Born in Germany, living in Belarus and now living in Ukraine, Sergei Vasilyevich Kuzin is a cheerful, energetic, self-sufficient person in his career and family. His life is connected with radio, rock music, show business and bikers.

The homeland of Sergei Vasilyevich Kuzin is the city of Potsdam in East Germany. Born in 1963, he lived abroad until he was 14 years old. He collected his first music catalog at the age of ten. Received the profession of an anti-aircraft gunner and journalist. At the Higher Radio School in the United States, he acquired the skills to manage a radio station.
He served in the Odessa division for 7 years. In the early 90s, he was at the training grounds in Kazakhstan, in Baku. He finished his service as a captain.
I tried myself in the theater and on television. In Belarus, he worked as a radio host and program director for 8 years. Since 2004, in Ukraine, he is the general director of Russian Radio and its presenter. DJ on the air of Radio Roks. Also S. Kuzin sings in his rock band.

Radio is his life
S. Kuzin has been working on radio since 1995. In Belarus, at first he was a leading, and then - a general producer. In Ukraine, as the general director of Russian Radio, he is responsible for several stations.
S. Kuzin recalls how he did a series of daytime interviews with Russian film and theater actors in Belarus. He is proud of these conversations.
For him, radio is the most sincere type of journalism, because here only the intonation of a human voice betrays the level of communication. Professional radio host S. Kuzin knows the musical preferences of representatives of any generation. Radio is his life, his work. And he can't help but work hard. And he is given strength by the fact that this work is to his liking.

Musical creativity
S. Kuzin is the author of songs that he composes for rock performance. Releases music albums.
In the song "To love in time of war" it is sung about the cycle of life. Life is a round dance, and all people are in it. This round dance is repeated. The river of life flows. Compared to eternity, the eyelids are just a drop of water. And always at the heart of the life of the planet is love, which helps to continue the human race. Love comes at any time. She knows no barriers - wars or other upheavals. No man should blame himself for falling in love at the wrong time.

In the song "Hostages of Winter", people are waiting for spring, because with it changes come: nature comes to life, and a person feels it. But for now everything is in the hands of God. It is not known whether the warmth will come. And everyone feels like hostages of winter. But the hope of a patient people does not disappear. She is in his soul. The classic expression "wind of change" has significant meaning. He will bring the long-awaited freedom. And this will happen in the spring - when people will no longer be hostages of winter.
The song "I would like her" is about the dreams of a young man who would like to take care of his beloved. To dress in silks, to drive to restaurants, to love as oneself - this is what a man aspires to. But life can give a "gift" - he was late, and the woman is already with someone else. Despite such "gifts", everyone wants love and never ceases to wait for it.
Rock concerts by S. Kuzin are distinguished by their special energy and exceptional charisma.

From personal life
Sergey Kuzin is married for the second time. Alina's wife is a cosmetologist. They have two children - Arina and Artem. From the first marriage, the children are already adults. Daughter Daria graduated from two London colleges. Now she is the chief of social services for one of the districts of London. His son Yevgeny also has a European education; he is in charge of marketing in Minsk. His wife Olga is an IT professional.
Daughter Arina became a real friend for her father. He is happy to be with her both at concerts and in the gym. She is interested in equestrian sports and ice skating. Arina is also engaged in dancing, singing and playing the guitar at a rock school.
S. Kuzin confesses that he is a sportsman, multi-tracker, plays football, roller-skates, goes to the gym. He does not change his favorite habits - motorcycle and rock and roll.

Not going to grow old
FROM. Kuzin, a famous personality in Ukraine, is cheerful, energetic, positive. This representative of an extraordinary musical direction makes a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian culture, introducing new trends in show business.
He leads a healthy lifestyle. Has not been drinking alcohol for 30 years. She wants to wait for her grandchildren.