Who Is Victoria Skripal

Who Is Victoria Skripal
Who Is Victoria Skripal

Viktoria Skripal is the niece of Sergei Skripal, the daughter of his brother and cousin of Yulia Skripal. She is much older than her cousin Yulia in age, she lives with her family in Russia, in the city of Yaroslavl. Besides her, other relatives of Sergei Skripal also live in Yaroslavl. His mom, for example.

Who is Victoria Skripal
Who is Victoria Skripal

Currently, Victoria Skripal is married, but in marriage she did not change her surname and left her maiden name.

It also played a role in the Skripal case. In particular, she recorded her conversation with Yulia Skripal on a dictaphone after her recovery and provided the recording to the media. According to Victoria, Julia herself called her to assure her of her good health.

From the content of the phone call, it becomes clear that both Yulia herself and her father Sergei are successfully recovering, although according to the British media, Sergei Skripal's condition is assessed as critical.

At the same time, apart from this entry, there is no other evidence of the well-being of the poisoned Skripal. On what basis did Julia make such conclusions? Unknown. Either she saw it with her own eyes, or she was informed by British officers. London does not refute the information about the telephone conversation between Julia and Victoria, although it does not confirm it.

The phone call record has not been verified as authentic. Victoria Skripal could not explain how she managed to record the conversation. Although modern mobile phones are able to record all conversations automatically.

In an interview with the BBC, Victoria said that her work is related to finance, so there are often cases when a recording of a telephone conversation is simply necessary to dot the i. Therefore, she has a special program on her phone that automatically records all telephone conversations.

Some time ago, Victoria Skripal had a serious conflict with Yulia about her father's apartment. The fact is that Yulia sold the apartment of Sergei Skripal's father in a departmental house in Krylatskoye and bought a small apartment in Fili-Davydkovo. The money raised from the deal was used to buy a Range Rover for Julia's fiancé. This act met with condemnation from all Skripals.

As of April 2018, Viktoria Skripal is the only relative of Sergei Skripal, who openly and willingly gives interviews to the media. It was from the interview with Victoria that numerous media learned the details about the life of Sergei Skripal in London, about Julia. Prior to that, such information was not leaked to the media. About Julia it was possible to find out only what is written on her personal Facebook page.

Recently, it was known from the news that Victoria Skripal wanted to visit her relatives in the UK, but could not get a visa.

At the same time, the British authorities say that the relatives of the victims can freely visit them in medical institutions, if they wish. However, according to the same authorities, the relatives do not want to do this. In fact, the British authorities are hindering this in every way.

Therefore, as Victoria says, in order to make the British somehow "move", she began to actively distribute interviews to the Russian and European media. And it worked: after publications in European publications, the permanent representatives of the British Foreign Office rushed to contact her and promised to speed up the process of obtaining a visa.

According to Viktoria Skripal, her purpose of the trip is to see her relatives safe and sound and to take them home as soon as possible. First of all, sister Julia, since it is she who must recover before everyone else and gain strength for the flight.

Sergei Skripal will most likely not be able to be picked up under any circumstances. First, in Russia he is a former traitorous intelligence officer, pardoned and exchanged for our intelligence officers arrested in the United States. Secondly, he is a British citizen and citizenship was issued to him as a person in need of political asylum.

In addition, Viktoria Skripal made a statement in the press that the possible culprit of the poisoning could be Yulia's fiancé. According to all the relatives of the Skripals, this young man is a very mysterious figure. He has been in a relationship with Julia for a long time, but at the same time she did not introduce any of the relatives to him. Nobody saw him with their own eyes.

He has a strong influence on Yulia Skripal. It was at his insistence that the departmental apartment of Sergei Skripal was sold and a Range Rover SUV was purchased with the proceeds for his personal use.

After the incident in Salisbury, the guy disappeared. He himself does not get in touch with anyone and no one can find him. It is this circumstance that makes him suspect of cooperation with the Russian special services and suggests that he is directly involved in the poisoning story.
