As recent tragic events show, suicide bombers can be of both sexes. Judging by the data of the analysis of cases of committing terrorist acts, kamikaze terrorists can be young people 18-35 years old, and of different nationalities. There have also been cases of terrorist acts committed by minors and adolescents. While the types of suicide bombers are different, they have a lot in common.

Step 1
The first most important task of a terrorist is to dissolve in a crowd of people without attracting attention to himself. Judging by the events in Moscow, on the territory of the Russian Federation women are usually used as suicide bombers by the organizers of terrorist acts.
Step 2
When committing a terrorist act, suicide bombers are dressed in clothes that are common for the area. However, some distinctive features can be seen in their dress and demeanor. The woman's head is covered with a headdress, and this is not necessarily a traditional blank scarf, but also kerchiefs and baseball caps. In summer, the terrorist's clothes are loose, hiding an explosive device on her body, i.e. does not match the weather.
Step 3
Distinctive external signs of kamikaze terrorists are unhealthy pallor of the face, inappropriate behavior, inhibition of movements and reactions that are caused by the possible use of tranquilizers or drugs, as well as evasion from CCTV cameras: an attempt to turn away, lower your head, hide behind a taller person, cover your face with a handkerchief or hand.
Step 4
Typically, a suicide bomber carries a mobile phone to communicate with management in case of difficulty. Since terrorists are usually not residents of Moscow, they are distinguished by uncertain orientation on the terrain, inability to easily use subway cards and punch cards in land transport, as well as difficulties in using a mobile phone.
Step 5
As for the cars with terrorists, they do not stop near the scene of the attack. In the presence of the driver of the car, terrorists try not to talk, or to limit themselves to general phrases in their own language. Female terrorists turn away or cover their faces with a handkerchief. During their stay in apartments, suicide bombers never leave the premises, they are strictly forbidden to communicate with neighbors in any case.
Step 6
The nationality of the terrorist does not play an important role for the organizers of terrorist acts. Although, taking into account the analysis of the latest tragic events on the territory of Russia, there is a noticeable tendency to use rural residents of the remote southern regions of the country.
Step 7
Keep in mind that behind the appearance of an object, its real purpose may be hidden. An improvised explosive device may be hidden underneath an ordinary object - a bag, a package, a parcel, a child's toy, a mobile phone. If a suicide bomber senses the attention of people, he is able to immediately detonate an explosive device. In this regard, try to remain calm. If possible, report a suspicious person to the administrative or law enforcement agencies or to the security services without attracting the attention of the terrorist. Please note again: do not take independent action in relation to people or objects that are suspicious to you. In this case, it is necessary to report your suspicions to the police or special services as soon as possible.