How Is The Delivery Of Standards For Maroon Beret

How Is The Delivery Of Standards For Maroon Beret
How Is The Delivery Of Standards For Maroon Beret

The maroon beret is the symbol and pride of the special forces. However, in order to get a maroon beret, you need to go through a series of difficult tests, proving your physical and psychological fitness.

How is the delivery of standards for maroon beret
How is the delivery of standards for maroon beret

The maroon beret is not only a headdress, but also an indicator of the high level of training of a special forces officer. Every year, special forces fighters take an exam to prove their ability to overcome difficult trials.

Preliminary test

Any soldier serving under a contract or conscription can pass the exam for wearing a maroon beret. To do this, you need to serve in the special forces for at least six months, get a positive response from the commander and have excellent grades in academic subjects.

The preliminary test is carried out 2-3 days before the main exam. It consists of a 3 km run, pull-ups, and a test that includes squatting and lying down, push-ups from the floor, abdominal exercises, jumping out of a squatting position. All these exercises are repeated seven times.

Main test

Within one day, applicants must overcome seven tests: a march, a special obstacle course, preparation for the assault of high-rise buildings, acrobatics and hand-to-hand combat.

The first stage of the test is the march. A prerequisite is overcoming the water barrier. Depending on the order of the commander, it can include shelling, evacuating the wounded, overcoming various kinds of obstacles and blockages, and performing physical exercises. The total time allotted for the march is set based on weather conditions and terrain, but should not exceed two hours.

The next step is to overcome the obstacle course in extreme conditions. It is performed immediately after the throw-march without the right to rest. The charges and products RDG-2B are installed on the strip. A prerequisite is the smoke of the obstacle strip.

The third stage of testing includes high-speed shooting against the background of body fatigue. The time allotted for shooting is no more than 20 seconds. For this special exercise, applicants are sent to the firing line.

The fourth stage consists of the assault on high-rise buildings using launching equipment. The fighter starts the test from a window on the fifth floor. At the command of the commander, it begins to descend. Having reached the window on the fourth floor, he is obliged to fire several shots from the machine gun. In the window opening of the second floor, he should knock out the model of the frame with his foot and throw a grenade there. After that, he descends to the ground.

The control time for this test should not exceed 45 seconds.

At the fifth stage, applicants must complete a set of acrobatic exercises. It includes: kicking with a roll and somersault forward from a springboard, lifting the body from a supine position.

This is followed by the stage of performing a set of special exercises. The subject is required to perform correctly, without errors and stops, in a strict sequence, and high quality beats.

The final stage includes hand-to-hand combat. The training match lasts no more than 12 minutes, without stopping, with a change of partners. The one who passed the test is recognized as one who actively acted and did not receive a knockout.

Test evaluation

In the unit, a special commission is created to assess the behavior of applicants. During all tests, she gets a test or a failure. After receiving a bad mark, the applicant is removed from the competition. All applicants who have received a "pass" mark in all tests will receive the long-awaited maroon beret.