How To Light Candles In An Orthodox Church

How To Light Candles In An Orthodox Church
How To Light Candles In An Orthodox Church

The candle symbolizes a sacrifice to God, the Mother of God, angels or saints. This is a kind of human gift that he brings to the holy temple. In church practice, there is a tradition to light candles and ask for something from God or the saints.

How to properly light candles in an Orthodox church
How to properly light candles in an Orthodox church

In an Orthodox church, candles can be lit both for health and for repose. A sacrifice brought on a church candlestick for the health of the living can be addressed to any saintly person.

In order to put a candle for health, you must first find out where the corresponding candlesticks are located. In most Orthodox churches, there is only one candlestick, where they put the repose (tetrapod). Its peculiarity is that the area of the candlestick necessarily contains the crucifixion of Christ. For those who entered the church for the first time, it is recommended to ask the church shop or parishioners which candlestick is the funeral one. The rest are for health candles.

Candlesticks are usually found in front of holy icons. It is believed that whose image is depicted on the icon, that is why candles are placed on a specific candlestick. A pair of candlesticks can stand in the center of the temple on the sides of a lectern with a festive icon. It is believed that candles are placed on these candlesticks in memory of the holiday that is celebrated in the Church.

Before you put a candle, you must cross your right hand with a three-fingered sign. First, the forehead is baptized, then the stomach, right and left shoulder. At this time, you can silently pray to the one to whom you are putting the candle. If this is a saint, you can use a common prayer: "Pray to God for us, the holy saint of God (the name of the saint), as we zealously run to you, a quick helper and intercessor for our souls."

In addition, you can pray in your own words, asking for help for someone. At the same time, it is necessary to mention the name of the person for whose health we are praying. Having crossed yourself, you must bow before the holy icon. Then they light up a candle. You can slightly melt the bottom of the candle so that it sticks better to the candlestick. After the candle is set, it is necessary to once again apply the sign of the cross and bow. Again, you can say a prayer in your own words with the content of the request.

The funeral candles are placed on a special candlestick in the same way as the sacrifices for health. First, they are baptized with the words of a prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased. Then they light up a candle and cross again. You can pray for the departed in the following words: "God rest the soul of the deceased (her) servant (servant) of Thy (Thy) and forgive him (her) every sin, voluntary and involuntary, and grant the Kingdom of Heaven." In addition, you can pray in your own words.
