What Is A White Ticket And What Rights And Restrictions Does It Give

What Is A White Ticket And What Rights And Restrictions Does It Give
What Is A White Ticket And What Rights And Restrictions Does It Give

A military ID is a military registration document that is issued during a call for military service in power structures. The types of military tickets are divided into tickets that provide for military service, and tickets that exempt a citizen from military service in whole or in part. A white military ID is issued to citizens unfit for service for health reasons.

What is a white ticket and what rights and restrictions does it give
What is a white ticket and what rights and restrictions does it give

The very phrase "white ticket" is a colloquial slang, as it has a red color, like a regular document.

Obtaining a white ticket

To be awarded a white military card, it is necessary to undergo a specialized medical examination of doctors and a specially convened military commission, which documents a state of health that does not correspond to the passage of military service.

White Ticket Categories

We are talking about subdivision into several categories of suitability:

"B" - conscripts who are limitedly fit for military service, who are exempt from service and are credited to the reverse (reserve). In peacetime, they are not subject to conscription.

Category "D" - conscripts who are temporarily not subject to military service for health reasons. Conscripts of this category receive a deferral from military service, which in turn depends on the severity of the disease and can range from 6 to 12 months.

This category is assigned after acute chronic diseases, injuries, surgical interventions, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system.

"D" - conscripts who are generally not subject to military training and are completely exempt from service in the security forces. Category "D" is assigned for diseases such as severe tuberculosis, HIV, syphilis, harmful tumor growths, severe diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia, epilepsy, downathism or mental impairment, with significant deviations in the functionality of the visual and auditory apparatus, bronchial asthma, organ ulcers gastrointestinal tract, developmental defects or in the complete absence of upper or lower limbs, absence of vital organs, as well as in other serious diseases.

HIV-infected and drug addicts can safely count on getting a white ticket.

Disadvantages of the white ticket

- prohibition of subsequent employment in positions that relate to public service;

- exclusion of the possibility of obtaining a driver's license (in the case when a white ticket was issued on the basis of mental illness);

- exclusion of the possibility of obtaining an official permission to own a weapon (in the case when a white ticket was issued on the basis of mental illness).

A white military ID is for the rest of your life, since the category of validity prescribed in it cannot be changed.
