Beneficial Categories Of Citizens And Their Rights

Beneficial Categories Of Citizens And Their Rights
Beneficial Categories Of Citizens And Their Rights

The benefit is state social assistance. A number of citizens have the right to receive it. It is determined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 178-FZ of 17.07.1999 "On State Social Assistance". Benefit categories can be "federal" or "regional".

Beneficial categories of citizens and their rights
Beneficial categories of citizens and their rights

Who receives benefits from the federal budget

- disabled people and war veterans;

- residents of besieged Leningrad, awarded the appropriate sign;

- disabled people (including disabled children).

In the regions, the list is determined by the local authorities. This usually happens with the help of regional programs. Help can be in the form of social services, benefits, or subsidies. The difference is that the list of federal "beneficiaries" changes much less frequently than regional ones.

Types of benefits

One of the most common benefits is social security benefits. Those. gratuitous provision of a certain amount. What are the benefits:

- for pregnancy and childbirth;

- women registered with medical institutions within 12 weeks;

- after the birth of a child and caring for him;

- when transferring a child to a family for upbringing;

- the pregnant wife of a conscript soldier.

All benefits are issued at the place of work. The employer is reimbursed for all funds from the Social Insurance Fund.

Another benefit option is a subsidy. It means full or partial payment for social services. They can be obtained to pay for housing and communal services, gas, heating, etc. Payments are made in cash. The subsidy is paid for the purchase of housing for military personnel.

Social supplement to pension is an additional payment. It consists of a federal and regional component. Its size is established by the Government of the Russian Federation or in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. When the value of the subsistence minimum changes, the surcharge is indexed.

Disabled people of all groups are assigned monthly cash payments and additional payments to them. Just like pensioners, they are entitled to reduced fare on public transport, as well as when purchasing drugs in pharmacies. Disabled persons are additionally paid for prosthetics and spa treatment.

For mothers raising children in the absence of a second parent (when there is a dash in the “father” column in the birth certificate), there are also a number of benefits. For example, her child is admitted to kindergarten or school for free. It is also provided with free meals and free textbooks. Once every 2 years, such mothers and their children are entitled to a ticket to a sanatorium. Many regions assign their own benefits to this category of citizens. For example, discounts for the education of a child in institutions of additional education.