Why Do We Need Rules Of Conduct

Why Do We Need Rules Of Conduct
Why Do We Need Rules Of Conduct

The rules of behavior in society have been established for many centuries. Their appearance was due to the fact that people needed a regulator, which, on the one hand, would guarantee the observance of certain rights, and on the other, would limit actions that could be harmful.

Why do we need rules of conduct
Why do we need rules of conduct

People can want anything, but the implementation of their plans can harm other members of society. Sometimes the interests of some contradict the desires and aspirations of others. This causes conflicts and misunderstandings. For people to know how to behave in such situations, it is necessary to have established rules of behavior.

Previously, when there were no laws or written rules, people settled their disputes by turning to the wisest person in their community. He, in turn, listened carefully to them and understood the problem. Then he advised the disputants what to do. The sages and elders were respected, and their teachings were not in doubt.

The rules of conduct help a person understand what he can do under certain circumstances, and what he is strictly prohibited from doing. There are also rules that mandate this or that behavior.

Without proper functioning of the rules of conduct, the existence of a peaceful society and cohabitation of people is impossible, because without a certain limitation of freedom, one cannot be absolutely free. By setting a framework for behavior for each individual person, social order can be achieved.

In addition, adherence to the rules of behavior speaks of a certain level of culture inherent in a particular person. When you do not adhere to established social norms, then your interlocutors can develop negative attitudes towards you, and communication will be doomed to failure.

To some extent, rules of conduct allow simulating the outcomes of various situations. For example, when planning a conversation, meeting, etc. you can count on the person you are talking to in most cases behave exactly as the established social norms suggest.