Who Are Cyber Goths

Who Are Cyber Goths
Who Are Cyber Goths

Starting from the 90s of the last century, various subcultures began to appear around the world, whose representatives were strikingly different from ordinary people. Black clothes, a large number of metal jewelry (including piercings), powerful platform shoes, tattoos - all these have become integral attributes of many subcultures.

Who are Cyber Goths
Who are Cyber Goths

In the 90s, in addition to gothic, punk and metal subcultures, various branches of these areas of music, lifestyle and fashion began to appear. At that time, cyber-Gothic also emerged, the flowering of which can be safely attributed to 2000-2006. Of course, in Russia these subcultures appeared and developed with a significant lag behind Europe or the United States, but this does not mean that cyber-gothic in Russia has become some kind of parody of the direction of culture in the West. Like the varieties of creativity, cyber-gothic has acquired the imprint of the peculiarities of Russia, therefore it differs slightly from the cyber subculture in the same Europe.

Distinctive features of the subculture

Cyber-Gothic, even if we take into account the name of the direction, appeared as a result of the merger of two subcultures - Gothic and Cyber. Representatives of the subculture - cyber goths - have their own unique style, listen to certain genres of music and have out-of-the-box thinking and philosophy. It is necessary to talk separately about these features of the representatives of cyber-gothic.

Cyber Gothic: Style

You can always recognize cyber ready in a crowd of informal youth by such features as outrageous clothes (mini-skirts, vinyl suits, leather coats, vests, tights or stockings in a "mesh" or multi-colored stripes), hair of acid colors, hairpieces in the form of dreadlocks, symbols of biological and radiation hazard. Cyber Goths also often wear jewelry that resembles chips, wires, connectors, and memorable shoes (usually either boots with a very high platform, or army boots, or lacquered boots).

It should be noted that it was precisely the "stuffing" from computers, the signs denoting radiation and biochemical hazards, that became the symbols of this subculture, like crosses in common Gothic or Iroquois in punks.

Cyber music ready

Cyber Goths, for the most part, listen to the music of bands that play in specific styles and genres. For example, the favorite genres of music of representatives of this subculture are industrial, EBM, electro, darkwave, post-rock and progressive. All of these genres are characterized by a predominance of electronic instruments, synthesized sounds, clear rhythm and a dark atmosphere.

Interesting facts about Cyber Goths

Among cyber Goths, there are widespread assumptions and thoughts about the imminent end of the world, the collapse of civilization, the contamination of most of the Earth with radioactive waste and the onset of the so-called "nuclear winter". Some cyber-goths really believe in this and prepare for the consequences of such disasters (gas masks and OZK appear in many representatives of the subculture, and the passion for nuclear physics contributes to admission to the relevant faculties in universities).

Most cyber ready people are fond of reading typical literature, watching thematic films. For example, the film "The Matrix" has become one of the symbols of the future of humanity among cyber Goths. Among the literature, it should be noted various post-apocalyptic works of young authors, hobbies for the books of the S. T. A. L. K. E. R series, etc.