What Are The Goals Of The Russian Opposition

What Are The Goals Of The Russian Opposition
What Are The Goals Of The Russian Opposition

For more than six months in Russia, since the last December elections of deputies of the State Duma, all kinds of protest actions organized by the opposition have been going on. Their apotheosis is the so-called "March of Millions", that is, processions during which the opposition expects to bring a huge number of its supporters to the streets. And, although the scale of these processions does not even remotely correspond to the loud name, the leaders of the opposition confidently declare: "We are supported by the people."

What are the goals of the Russian opposition
What are the goals of the Russian opposition

The opposition in every country wants to become more influential, attract new supporters, and gain power. This is understandable and natural. The current Russian opposition also wants to become stronger and more influential. However, instead of a clear and precise program, it only puts forward the slogans: "Russia without Putin" and "Russia without EdRa" (that is, without the United Russia party). Of course, to the current President of Russia V. V. You can treat Putin in different ways, you can make claims against him. There is no doubt that the United Russia party, of which he was the leader for the past several years, has lost its former popularity. In the same way, it is obvious that in the last December elections, the authorities at all levels made full use of the administrative resource to support United Russia. This caused understandable discontent among many Russians. The opposition wants to achieve a peaceful change of the regime of power in the Russian Federation, as well as to ensure fair elections.

However, it cannot be denied in the same way that V. V. Putin won the presidential elections in Russia by a large margin, well ahead of his closest rival. And even if we take into account possible violations in the course of voting and counting the results, all the same, his victory is indisputable. Thus, in full conformity with the democratic principles, to which the opposition leaders tirelessly swear, the results of the people's will must be accepted.

Nevertheless, the opposition continues to assert that the elections were unfair and rigged. And they still invite people to protest actions under the slogan: "Russia without Putin!" At the same time, they do not have a program that is understandable to broad layers of the people, the implementation of which would contribute to raising the living standards of Russians and overcoming negative phenomena.

Considering that the opposition leaders not only do not enjoy the support of the majority of Russian citizens, but also do not hide the fact that they receive funding from foreign sources, it is highly doubtful that they are motivated by concern for democratic values and concern for the needs of ordinary Russians. She may be trying to improve her rating.