Goals And Objectives Of Marketing Activities

Goals And Objectives Of Marketing Activities
Goals And Objectives Of Marketing Activities

The concept of marketing is widely used in the business world, but very often it is given very different meanings. The number of definitions of this type of activity is measured in dozens. The setting of goals and the definition of marketing objectives largely depends on the value attributed to this concept.

Goals and objectives of marketing activities
Goals and objectives of marketing activities

What is Marketing

Most often, marketing is understood only as sales of finished products, sales promotion or general advertising. This value has strengthened in part because every day the consumer is bombarded with information to buy a particular product. Selling a product is closely intertwined in the public mind with market activity and advertising, although in reality these are just separate aspects of marketing.

Marketing in the most general sense includes all types of human activity that are aimed at meeting the needs of the consumer through exchange. In the course of marketing, the demand for a particular product is met. The one who is engaged in marketing promotes goods on the market from the manufacturer to the final consumer.

The main goals of marketing

The fundamental goal of marketing is to ensure the maximum possible amount of profit for the enterprise, which is achieved by organizing the process of buying and selling goods. At the same time, meeting consumer demand is the main factor in achieving this goal. The marketer must always remember that profit is only possible when the product is exchanged for the consumer's money.

In the course of its marketing activities, an enterprise needs to implement intermediate goals: to identify and satisfy an urgent need in society, to ensure its superiority over competitors, to achieve a constant increase in sales. A well-designed marketing strategy includes several interrelated sections, which are based on these and other intermediate goals.

Marketing tasks

The primary task of marketing is to create conditions for the maximum stability of the enterprise and its planned development. The marketing of a company is not so much an independent part of the work of the management apparatus as it is a connecting link between the production process and its delivery to the end consumer. Marketing tasks should be linked to the needs of society and the strategy of the enterprise as a whole.

Solves marketing and private tasks. These include the collection, processing and structuring of information about the market segment of interest to the company, about the availability of similar products on the market, about the tastes and preferences of consumers. An important marketing task is a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the actions of competitors promoting similar products.

The current tasks of marketing include the development and implementation of special methods of influencing consumer behavior. The range of methods and tools here is very wide and is constantly being improved. Solving the problem of market penetration, the marketing departments of enterprises are forced to constantly monitor the development of new methods of working with clients. An important marketing task is not only finding new, but also retaining existing customers.
