What Does It Mean To Be A Patriot

What Does It Mean To Be A Patriot
What Does It Mean To Be A Patriot

A patriot is a person who is ready to sacrifice a lot for the welfare of the Motherland, right up to his life. Such people are the basis of society, it is they who go to work in socially significant positions - military, doctors, teachers.

What does it mean to be a patriot
What does it mean to be a patriot

If earlier, in Soviet times, patriotism had a clear definition and was instilled from an early age, sometimes in a forced form, today respect and love for the state is everyone's business.

Expressions of patriotism

Who is a patriot and how are patriotic feelings manifested? Someone considers himself as such, because he speaks exclusively in the state language and honors traditions, someone made a significant contribution to the history of the country, and someone is sick with every event in the life of the Motherland.

A patriot respects and remembers the history of his country, he proudly accepts both victories and defeats, without trying to ridicule or humiliate the state.

You can feel patriotic feelings for the state in which you live, or you can feel like a part of it being thousands of kilometers away.

Undoubtedly, we can call people patriots who work for the good of the country every day, investing their strength, teachers who instill respect for the state in children - future citizens. Patriotism manifests itself in little things and adds up to one great feeling of pride in the country.

To be a patriot means to believe in the future of the country, to see prospects and strive for them, this is a tremor that creeps through the whole body at the very first chords of the anthem. A patriot is ready to devote his life to his Motherland, to act in her interests and die for her sake, if necessary.

Patriotism and emigration

Often people leave the country due to various circumstances. Perhaps someone does this because of the unwillingness to live where he was born, someone is forced by life, but the distance cannot cause the loss of patriotic feelings. When a person, already living under a different sky, worries about the Motherland, even in small things, for example, is a fan of its sports team or is not indifferent to cultural events, this only causes respect.

It is better to educate and develop a sense of patriotism in oneself than a feeling of shame and hatred, because there is no point in blaming your whereabouts for failures.

If the citizens of a country are not imbued with its problems, do not worry about its fate and do not respect it, then first of all they laugh at themselves, at the history of their lives. Life beyond the horizon always seems different, new and more promising, but it’s not in vain that they say that it’s good where we are not. It is better to try to improve your own than to stare at someone else's state space already created by someone.

The future of a country is in the hands of its inhabitants, they are the ones who create a positive or negative image for other states, they are the ones who create its history.