Who Are Christina And Danya Good-natured

Who Are Christina And Danya Good-natured
Who Are Christina And Danya Good-natured

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Many Internet users are familiar with Christina and Danya Good-natured. A pair of teenagers in love sets an example of how a real boy-girl relationship should develop.

Children's love is the most sincere
Children's love is the most sincere

Love story

Thousands of fans from around the world are watching the development of relations between Christina and Dania. At the moment, teenagers are 15 years old. Their story began in early childhood. Danya and Christina met on the playground. When they were 7 years old, they went to school together. The stage of serious relationship began at the age of thirteen. For several years, the couple in love has been talking about their relationship, posting joint photos on social networks. The guys try themselves in acting, participate in youth movements, compose and sing ballads about love. After school, the lovers are going to go to university together. How many touching poems Danya dedicated to his beloved Christina. Sincere feelings have become the reason for the popularity of adolescents.

Christina and Danya always appear together in public, participate in various events and shows. Fans are watching with interest the development of their relationship.

Daniel and Christina are registered in one of the most popular social networks VKontakte. In the column "marital status" Christina states that she is married to Danya Good-natured. Every day, the girl uploads new photos on her page, which capture the moments of the children’s joint leisure. A popular couple is a frequent guest of photo shoots, fashion shows, TV shows, because the theme of love between Russian Romeo and Juliet is quite relevant. The guys jointly recorded their debut song "Love is Stronger" and shot a video. You can see photos of lovers from Christina's birthday and from her concerts.

The guys have thousands of subscribers on the social network. These are people who are interested in following the life of a young couple, looking through photos and finding out what new things have happened with Christina and Dani during the day. The guys are posting videos of joint recreation, dates, meetings and parties. Danila Dobrodushny was born on December 25, 1997, and Christina was born on January 21, 1998. The boy is engaged in Korean martial art - taekwondo, physically developed, will be able to intercede for his lady of the heart. Christina is a diligent student at school, she sings well and dances well.

Opinions of people

Fans consider Danya to be a very cute and versatile boy. He follows his style, often changes his hairstyle.

There is an opinion that all this love is sheer fiction and PR for the guys, and they are brother and sister to each other. This is confirmed by the external similarity of adolescents. Perhaps the parents are directly related to the development of the popularity and demand for children. People's love and admiration can help children in the future. They are engaged in creative activities: they conduct concerts, sing. And for an actor and singer it is very important to be recognizable, it is important to have a story that will be remembered by people. The couple's fans firmly believe that the guys have a serious and long-term relationship, and their feelings are mutual. Only time will be able to put everything in its place, and the truth will be revealed.
