When The Willows Are Consecrated In The Church

When The Willows Are Consecrated In The Church
When The Willows Are Consecrated In The Church

Many believers are especially looking forward to the coming of the Feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. This celebration, also called Palm Sunday, is accompanied by the pious church tradition of consecrating the branches of willows.

When the willows are consecrated in the Church
When the willows are consecrated in the Church

On the consecration of the willow

There are various traditions in the Church that have become widespread among the Russian people. One of these is the consecration of willows on the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem in Orthodox churches.

It is worth noting that the very triumph of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem is not limited exclusively to the practical side of the consecration of the branches of the tree, which is the first to bloom in the spring (willow and willow). The main essence of the celebration is the remembrance of the Savior's march to free suffering and death for the sake of the salvation of man and the reconciliation of the latter with God. Therefore, visiting churches solely in order to consecrate willows is not correct from the point of view of the Orthodox faith. The consecration of the willow should not be given special mystical meaning; this action should not be an end in itself for an Orthodox Christian.

When the Savior entered Jerusalem, the branches of palm trees were laid under the feet of the Lord. In Russia, willows have replaced palms. This tree has become a symbol of spiritual joy and awakening, just as nature awakens through the blossoming of willow and willow buds.

The consecrated willow is a shrine for an Orthodox person, a testimony of the grace of God sent down during consecration. Believers keep these shrines for a year, after which the branches are burned or inserted into the ground in garden plots in a place that cannot be supported by their feet.

When and how the willow is consecrated

Many people mistakenly believe that the consecration of the willow takes place on the holiday itself on Sunday. However, the church charter does not provide for such an rite at the liturgy or after it on the day of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. The consecration of the willow takes place the night before during the Saturday service of the all-night vigil.

In the church tradition, services begin in the evening on the eve of the celebrated event. All-night vigil on Saturday before Palm Sunday already refers to the festive service of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that willows are consecrated in churches during this service, and not during the service of the liturgy on Sunday.

The consecration of willows takes place at Matins after reading the texts of the Gospel. After reading the Holy Scripture, the fiftieth psalm is read, during which the incense of the prepared willow and willow branches is performed. The priest reads a prayer for the consecration of the willow and sprinkles the branches with holy water. After that, the service continues with its festive rite.
