For many believers in our country, the church is a sacred place. As in any other public place, the church has its own norms and rules of behavior, which everyone must adhere to. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what to do in church, how to behave correctly, etc.

Before going to church, dress decently and modestly. Dark and calm colors in clothes will be most preferable. The skirt or dress should be of sufficient length - no higher than the knees. It is better for women not to paint their lips, since it is indecent to apply painted lips to a cross or an icon.
It is necessary to enter the church calmly and quietly, with reverence. Before entering the church, you need to cross yourself and read a special prayer. However, if you do not know one, then "Our Father" will do. You can simply cross yourself by saying "Lord, have mercy."
When entering the church, men must bare their heads. Women, on the other hand, need to wear a hat or cover their head with a scarf. After entering the church, find yourself a place without fuss and make three bows towards the altar. If there is a service in the temple, then men stand on the right side, and women on the left. If you visited the church at a time when there is no service, then you can approach the icon, which stands in the center of the temple. In this case, you must cross yourself twice and kiss the lower part of the icon. Then you need to cross yourself again.
The most important place in the church is the altar. Only clergymen and those males whom the priest blessed are allowed to enter there. Women are strictly prohibited from entering the altar.
Candles for health should be placed in front of the icons of the saints. If you light a candle for the repose of the souls of the dead, then for this there is a memorial canon in every church. You can recognize it by the small crucifix, which is located on it. The candle can be placed with either hand, but one should only cross with the right hand.
It is necessary to be baptized, bowing your head, when you are overshadowed: with a cross, an image, the holy Gospel, a holy cup. You can only bow your head, without crossing yourself, when you are blessed with your hand, shaded with candles, censed. If you have any questions, then contact the priest (only not during the service).