How To Be Baptized In The Church

How To Be Baptized In The Church
How To Be Baptized In The Church

Video: How To Be Baptized In The Church

Video: How To Be Baptized In The Church
Video: St Michael's Catholic Church: Baptism 2025, January

In the Orthodox Church, there are two types of the sign of the cross: two fingers and three fingers. Three fingers folded together are a symbol of the Holy Trinity.

In order to cross correctly, the hand that represents the cross first touches the right shoulder, then the left.

How to be baptized in the church
How to be baptized in the church

These movements symbolize for Christianity the opposition of the left side, as the place of the dead, and the right, as the place of the saved. Thus, first touching the right shoulder, then the left shoulder, the Christian considers himself to be the fate of the saved and asks to be delivered from the fate of the dead.

The two-fingered form of the sign of the cross was used in Russia until the time of the reform of Patriarch Nikon in the 17th century.

Today, there are several different options for how to be baptized correctly:

  • First option. On the right hand, the ring and thumb are connected together, and the middle and index fingers are held together to indicate the 2 natures of Christ. Most common practice among Western Catholics.
  • Second option. Keeping the index finger and thumb together on the right hand, symbolizing the two natures of Christ.
  • The third option. The middle, thumb and forefingers are held together on the right hand (symbolizing the Holy Trinity), and the little finger and ring finger (symbolizing the 2nd nature of Christ) are held closer to the palm. The most common practice among Eastern Catholics.
  • The fourth option. The right hand is kept fully open (symbol of the five wounds of Christ), the fingers are together and slightly bent, and the thumb is pressed to the palm.

The directions of hand movement are from right to left. In the West, there is also the practice of the sign of the cross, when the left shoulder is first touched and then the right shoulder. This is symbolically explained by the fact that Christ translates believers from death and condemnation to salvation. Another version was that from right to left (Orthodox) - hide their heart from the devil, and from left to right (Catholics) - open their heart to God.
