Petrov Post: Rules And Features

Petrov Post: Rules And Features
Petrov Post: Rules And Features

The annual Orthodox calendar has four posts. Each one precedes one of the main church holidays. Great posts are called Great, Rozhdestvensky, Uspensky, Petrovsky posts.

Petrov post: rules and features
Petrov post: rules and features

The main feature of the Peter Lent is its completion on 11 July.

Features of the

Fasting begins 7 days after the Day of the Holy Trinity. In 2020, the holiday will fall on June 7th. This means that the Apostolic Fast will begin on the 15th.

It will last 27 days. The maximum period was 42 two days, and the shortest was eight days. Fasting prepares for the day of the chief apostles Peter and Paul, which falls on July 12.

Features of the

The Pentecost fast lasts from a week to one and a half months. Initially, those who, for various reasons, could not fast before Easter, fasted.

Petrov post: rules and features
Petrov post: rules and features

In "Petrovka-hunger strikes" it is enough to exclude from consumption only food of animal origin. Fish dishes are allowed on almost all days.

The relaxation is associated with the origin of Peter, the patron saint of fishermen. However, fish dishes are prohibited on Wednesdays and Fridays, only a raw food diet is allowed. Eggs, meat and milk are excluded.

What is allowed

On fast days in Russia, pies were prepared with whole fish, not cut into pieces. To eat really lean food without harm to health, they take mushrooms, vegetables, fruits and berries. There are many foods for the days of fasting.

In summer okroshka without meat and eggs, lean cabbage soup are good. The rest of the permitted meals during the "petrovka-hunger strikes" are the same as in other fasts.

Petrov post: rules and features
Petrov post: rules and features

What is prohibited

On such days, weddings are not held. Abstain from the wedding and the celebration of the wedding anniversary.

The rules for lay people are less strict than for monks. The Church recommends that instead of the usual viewing of TV series and action films, we limit ourselves to educational programs, and not get carried away with projects filled with negativity. It also makes sense to stop using social networks for a while.

Prayers are mandatory requirements. You should communicate with God, visit the temple, try not to offend anyone at such a time. It is customary to take communion on the days of "Petrovki" So it makes sense to set aside time for such a procedure.

Rules and signs

According to folk tradition, it is customary to prepare the house for the end of the fast. All garbage and rubbish from the home is removed in the last days. By the end of the fast, the first autumn crops usually begin. Since ancient times, in the last days of the retreat, men went fishing.

Petrov post: rules and features
Petrov post: rules and features

It is customary to pray for the health of loved ones living and their own, for the repose of the deceased, to ask for God's help in the fight against everyday problems.

To each his own

Pregnant and lactating women are exempted from fasting. Spiritual abstinence is provided for them.

There are measures for military personnel, workers and students. Children's fasting is classified as a special topic. It is advisable to talk with the child in advance, to agree that instead of restrictions on the meat and dairy food necessary for him, the baby will eat less sweets.

Petrov post: rules and features
Petrov post: rules and features

One thing is certain: you cannot "eat" your loved ones. This means that it is necessary to refrain from quarrels and other negative actions that deprive the world of the house. It is such acts that destroy the bridge between people and God.