Conditions And Rules Of Sacrifice In Kurban Bayram

Conditions And Rules Of Sacrifice In Kurban Bayram
Conditions And Rules Of Sacrifice In Kurban Bayram

Muslims began to celebrate Kurban Bayram in the second year after the resettlement of the Prophet Muhammad (a.s.) to Medina. At that time, the inhabitants of Medina celebrated two pagan holidays. After the arrival of Islam, Allah Almighty replaced these days with the holidays of Eid al-Adha (completion of the fast of Ramadan) and Eid al-Adha (holiday of sacrifice).

Conditions and rules of sacrifice in Eid al-Adha
Conditions and rules of sacrifice in Eid al-Adha

Conditions of obligatory sacrifice according to the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa:

  • Be a Muslim;
  • To be free;
  • Have a healthy mind;
  • To be a torment (to be at home, not a traveler);
  • Have property in excess of basic needs so that the sacrifice does not damage the family budget.

Eid al-Adha is celebrated for three days in a row. The time of sacrifice begins immediately, thirty minutes after the rising of the sun on the first holiday and lasts until the last third day of the holiday, before sunset. However, in those settlements in the mosques of which the Eid Prayer is held, the performance of the sacrifice before prayer is prohibited. Festive prayer is held in populations where weekly Friday prayers are held.

Only one sheep or goat should be sacrificed from one person. A camel or a cow can be sacrificed from seven people. Since they are more expensive and carry more weight.

The healthiest, most beautiful animals are chosen, regardless of whether the female or the male. It can be a sheep, a goat, a camel, a cow, a bull, or a buffalo. Other animals are not suitable.

Are unfit for sacrifice:

  • Blind in both or one eye;
  • Too thin, sick, weak;
  • Severely lame, if they cannot even reach the place of slaughter;
  • With broken horns to the base, or one horn broken;
  • Most teeth are toothless or not;
  • With the tail cut off, if half or more of the tail is missing;
  • Earless, without one ear from birth or if cut off to the base;
  • Animals with dry udders.

It is undesirable, but you can cut animals with poor eyesight, squint, with a perforated ear or with the tip of the ear and tail cut off. Hornless from birth and castrated animals are also suitable for sacrifice.

It is desirable to kill the sacrificial animal to the owner himself, but if he does not know how to cut, then he can entrust someone else. However, at the same time, the owner must be near and make an intention. The animal is slaughtered with the intention only for the sake of Allah Almighty. The intention is done in the shower and does not have to be pronounced loudly.

The meat of the sacrificial animal is divided into three parts. One part is treated to relatives, the second is given to people in need, and the third is left for their family. However, such a division is not strictly necessary, and therefore everyone looks at their own wealth.