Perhaps the most difficult moment for young people when meeting girls is the first conversation. There are whole systems of acquaintance, but beautiful ladies themselves value sincerity and politeness most of all.

Step 1
Don't be afraid to start your acquaintance by introducing yourself. This is not only a completely natural start for social talk, but also the observance of elementary rules of politeness. Give your name in full (Andrey) or briefly (Sasha), but not diminutive forms (for example, Slavik) and not what your friends call you (Dimon, Kolyan and other names that are appropriate in your current company, but not in a conversation with a stranger). You should not introduce yourself by name and patronymic, even if the interlocutor is half your age. After all, you are counting on a romantic feeling and do not want to associate for her with a teacher, or a boss.
Step 2
Refer to a stranger as "you" if you want to show yourself as a polite person. An exception is the situation when you are at a friendly party, but have not been introduced to each other before. Interestingly, the dating system known as pickup (from the English pick up - pick up, take off), recommends talking to girls on "you". Considering that pickupers are interested in easy, non-binding relationships with fast sex, their logic is clear: if the interlocutor allows you to shorten the distance from the very first phrases, then she will not refuse further rapprochement.
Step 3
Despite the abundance of intricate formulas that can be used to start a conversation with a girl you like, the most effective way to meet is a simple phrase: “I really liked you, and I would be glad to see you again”. Such treatment is quite appropriate on the street, in transport and even in a traffic jam. Learned formulas for dating are good only when the young person has enough self-confidence and artistry to pass them off as impromptu. In the end, it is not the words that you say that are important, but the intonation, the look, the gestures. A slight embarrassment will even appeal to the girl if she considers you not as a "renter", but as a serious gentleman.