Pickup For Women: Instructions For Use

Pickup For Women: Instructions For Use
Pickup For Women: Instructions For Use

At a time when the whole world has made a decisive turn towards communication in a virtual way, many pay attention to the fact that traditional types of contact between people have become very flawed. Nowadays, verbal communication in the tete-a-tete format is acquiring special relevance in this context.

a pickup truck for a girl is not only a car
a pickup truck for a girl is not only a car

The women's pickup is not a new concept, but much younger than the men's pickup. The era is changing - the mores are also changing. Today there is no place for prejudices that a man should be the first to meet, that a man is a hunter, and a woman is his victim. But you can't discount that when you meet a woman who is too active, this is always bad manners!

Pickup is the art of seduction. It can and should be learned. Not all women have the gift of seduction. Otherwise, you don't need to do anything: such a person will enter the society of men, and they flock to her like moths into the light and circle around tirelessly. Such a woman has an alluring, but keeping a distance look, as if warning - be careful, you will burn your wings. Her movements are light and graceful, like a cat's, her voice is low and with a slight hoarseness, and on her face there is a wandering smile. All this is given by nature, but all of this can be learned.

So, a few tips for novice pick-ups:

1. Before acquaintance, be sure to set a goal for yourself. What is required of the object of seduction: a light flirtation, a stormy and short-term romance, or a long-term and serious relationship ?! Yes, you need to set a very real task. Love at the present time is a great rarity, a rarity, and not everyone is destined to experience it, and sometimes only a select few. But you have to live.

2. From the very beginning, you need to remember the "enemies of seduction": inviting glances, fussiness, talkativeness, loud laughter, overly open clothes. All of this has the opposite effect. If in the first minutes such a lady attracts attention, then later her “activity” will become annoying. No alcohol! Slightly liberating, removing uncertainty, the boundaries of decency are blurred. It seems to a woman that she looks sexy, but this is far from the case. It's not bad if it looks comical, but often vulgar. Moreover, the seductress, who went out on the "hunt" and seeing a worthy "victim", experiences a powerful adrenaline rush into the blood. It works stronger than any alcohol, but at the same time does not allow you to lose control. External signs in the form of a shine in the eyes, excitement of movements introduce the most experienced "males" into a trance.

3. No dancing on the bar! You need to be sure that you are dancing beautifully, as ridiculous and awkward movements will backfire. If, nevertheless, the lessons of pole dance were taken, they can be considered appropriate alone with the object of seduction, and not for displaying the whole military company. After all, a man you like will find such behavior obscene, will be hurt and lose interest.

4. When the "fish on the hook" needs to weaken your attention to it, but do not lose sight of it - let it "swim" for some time before committing the fatal "sweep".

5. The first impression is actually not difficult to make on the object of the claim, using the simplest pick-up rules. The most difficult thing is to keep this impression and push the boundaries of future life with the one on whom it was made. Relaxation in the intimate sphere, freedom from prejudice, independence, lack of aggression, everyday intelligence are the basic components. And if they are not character traits, then all efforts will come to naught, and the relationship will end. Therefore, in addition to memorizing the correct behavior when meeting, honing external data, you need to work on your inner world, improving it every day. There is no limit to perfection!
