How To Develop Tolerance In Preschoolers

How To Develop Tolerance In Preschoolers
How To Develop Tolerance In Preschoolers

The concepts of morality and ethics are laid down in childhood and are reflected in the further interaction of children with the world around them. In order for a child to communicate calmly with peers, to be tolerant of other people's opinions and people unlike him, it is necessary to form a concept of tolerance in him.

How to develop tolerance in preschoolers
How to develop tolerance in preschoolers

Own example

At preschool age, children quickly absorb any information and are more likely to copy the behavior of their parents. If adults constantly show dissatisfaction with the people around them, criticize acquaintances, and they simply cannot stand someone, then the child will most likely choose a similar model of behavior.

Children perceive the world around them literally, without assessing and not talking about moral norms. They receive moral education from their loved ones and in all kinds of preschool institutions. Adults show by their example how to behave correctly with the world around them. If parents teach their children good manners and neglect them themselves, children will notice the discrepancy in words and actions. It will be difficult for them to make a choice as to how they should behave in such situations.

It is very important, by your own example, to show your child how to communicate with the people around him. He must see the culture of interpersonal communication, the manifestation of adults' tolerance for other people's otherness and a benevolent attitude towards people in general.

The world is multipolar

It is necessary to explain to the child that the world is very big and it is inhabited by people of different nationalities, beliefs and traditions. They can behave and think differently, or express their point of view differently. People of different nationalities differ not only in appearance, but they have other traditions and customs. However, this does not mean that they are completely different. In their hearts, many people are arranged the same: they want to be happy, make friends and communicate with interesting people, and so that there is peace and harmony everywhere.

It is best to develop tolerance in preschoolers in the process of communication. It is very important that the child has the opportunity to communicate with different children. When a child is friends with peers in the yard, communicates with children from kindergarten, meets children in circles, he learns a culture of communication. Thanks to a large circle of familiar peers, the child begins to calmly relate to external differences between people and shows tolerance for a different point of view.

You should study with preschoolers the culture of your country and different peoples of the world. A joint discussion of various traditions and customs will lead to an understanding of how multipolar the world is, and this is completely natural. The child should know the history and traditions of his country, but also respect the culture of other peoples.
