Vladimir Mikhailovich Zeldin: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Vladimir Mikhailovich Zeldin: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Vladimir Mikhailovich Zeldin: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Vladimir Zeldin is a theater and film actor who has become an example for many. He gained popularity thanks to his role in the film "The Pig and the Shepherd". Vladimir Mikhailovich has many awards, got into the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest actor.

Vladimir Zeldin
Vladimir Zeldin

Childhood, adolescence

Vladimir was born on January 28, 1915. The Zeldins lived in Kozlov (now Michurinsk), Tambov region. Vladimir's father was a musician, his mother worked as a music teacher. Children were taught a love of art, they mastered musical instruments.

During the civil war, the Zeldins moved to Tver to live with their relatives. There Vladimir began to study at school. Then there was a move to Moscow, the boy then studied in the 4th grade. After 5 years, his father died, and his mother died 3 years later, when Vladimir turned 14. He began to study at a military school with strict discipline. There was excellent physical fitness.

Vladimir dreamed of becoming a sailor, but because of his sight he did not pass the commission. Then he went to the factory, where he was a locksmith's apprentice. In his free time, he attended an amateur club. Zeldin really enjoyed performing, he decided to go to auditions, which were announced as workshops of the Mossovet Theater. Zeldin got on the course of Lepkovsky, the training ended in 1935.


After the courses, Zeldin was left in the theater. After 3 years, he moved to the Transport Theater (now the Gogol Theater). In one of the performances, he was seen by the assistant of the famous Ivan Pyriev. Zeldin was given a role in the film "Pig and Shepherd", which brought him fame. This happened in 1940.

Then the war began, the theater was evacuated to Kazakhstan. The troupe returned to the capital in 1943. Since 1945, Zeldin began working at the Theater of the Russian Army, simultaneously acting in films. Popular paintings with his participation: "Carnival Night", "Dance Teacher", "Ten Little Indians", "The Secret of Blackbirds", "Park of the Soviet Period". His characters were bright, often Zeldin played aristocrats.

Vladimir Mikhailovich almost did not act in films in recent years. His later works in cinema - the series "Matchmakers", the film "The Best Girl of the Caucasus". In total, Zeldin played 57 film roles and 65 roles on the theater stage. The actor has many awards: "Golden Mask", "Crystal Turandot", "Nika" and others. Vladimir Mikhailovich died at the age of 101, it happened on October 31, 2016.

Personal life

The first wife of Vladimir Mikhailovich is Lyudmila Martynova. The marriage was civil and lasted for a year. They had a son, he died as an infant. With his second wife Henrietta Ostrovskaya, the artist also lived in a civil marriage. Vladimir met with her on the set of the film "Dance Teacher". The marriage also did not last long.

In 1964, Zeldin officially married Yvette Kapralova. She is a journalist, was the editor of the Bureau of Film Propaganda. Vladimir Mikhailovich is 20 years older than her. Together they lived until the end of Zeldin's life. Ivette Evgenievna briefly outlived her husband, she died in January 2017.
