Faina Ranevskaya: A Short Biography

Faina Ranevskaya: A Short Biography
Faina Ranevskaya: A Short Biography

A photogenic appearance is not the main thing for an actress, although pretty girls are more lucky at the start of their cinematic career. Faina Ranevskaya rose to the heights of popularity thanks to her hard work and love for the profession.

Faina Ranevskaya
Faina Ranevskaya

Naughty girl

The future actress of Soviet theater and cinema was born on August 27, 1896 in a wealthy family. Parents at that time lived in the famous city of Taganrog. His father, an enterprising businessman, owned a paint factory, shops and houses, as well as a steamer that transported goods from the local port to Odessa, Novorossiysk and even to Istanbul. The mother took care of the home and the upbringing of children, of whom there were five. Faina grew up as an unsociable and shy girl. This was partly due to her character and high growth.

When the age approached, Faina was sent to a female gymnasium. But within the walls of this educational institution, she did not stay long. After several quarrels with classmates, her parents transferred her to home schooling. Among other subjects, she studied music and foreign languages. She got to the theater for the play "The Cherry Orchard" by chance when she was 14 years old. The governess found it necessary to introduce her to the art of drama. Once was enough. Faina firmly decided to become an actress and chose a pseudonym from among the characters she saw on stage. It was from this moment that the professional career of the actress Faina Ranevskaya began.


Creative way

Faina studied the gymnasium program in a short time and passed all the exams as an external student. Then she began attending classes at a local drama studio. The moment has come when Ranevskaya announced to her family that she intends to become a professional actress. She did not find the slightest understanding from her parents. The father generally said that he was disowning such a dissolute daughter. Faina also showed her character and left home. She didn't just leave, but collected her things and left for Moscow. It's good that mom gave her some money for the first time.

In Moscow, no one expected the aspiring actress. Faina, as they say, had to take a dash. After a while, she managed to sign an engagement with a substandard theater near Moscow. She did not earn money here, but she made useful contacts. For several years Ranevskaya wandered from one peripheral theater to another. In 1924, the actress finally moved to the capital and entered the service at the Mossovet Theater. In performances, she gets minor and episodic roles. But the audience remembers exactly these characters. For the first time on the screen, the actress appears in the film "Donut".

Recognition and privacy

The entire Soviet Union learned and fell in love with the actress after the release of the film "Foundling". Even the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev knew the catch phrase: "Mulya, don't make me nervous". For her great contribution to the development of national culture, Ranevskaya was awarded the honorary title "People's Artist of the Soviet Union".

Faina Ranevskaya's personal life was not standard. She never married. Of course, the actress dated men, but she failed to create a family nest. Ranevskaya died in July 1984 as a result of heart failure.