What Is HYIP

What Is HYIP
What Is HYIP

The word "hype" suddenly became so fashionable that it began to be used everywhere - in everyday speech, advertising, business, headlines of articles in the media. Moreover, its meaning is so blurred that sometimes this word sounds completely inappropriate. Let's talk about what HYIP is and what the real meaning of this word is.

What is HYIP
What is HYIP

Hype is a neologism of English-speaking origin. The word hype in English slang means annoying advertising, PR, artificially inflated hype, excitement, deception. Accordingly, hyping means actively moving something to the masses, popularizing, hyping is a noisy advertising campaign, and the excited state of the crowd waiting for the appearance of some fashionable novelty is called a hypetrain.

However, in the Russian language, the word hyip and word forms derived from it acquired a broader meaning. At first, they began to call any hype any hype, for example, a stormy correspondence that broke out on a social network under a post or a discussion on the Internet of some resonant topic. And then it got to the point that the word began to be used without any special meaning at all, when the speaker just wants to show that he is in trend. And they also say "pohayp" when it comes to any party. This is not entirely correct, and the speaker does not quite understand what HYIP is.

"Hype fashion" is a youth movement that focuses on the purchase of expensive branded clothing. At the same time, many people want to buy "hype gear" (as this clothing is called in slang), but not everyone can afford it. Therefore, the Internet has been filled with various tips and suggestions where you can buy fakes to look fashionable. Hype style is often complemented by tattoos, in this fashion it is beautiful to be thin.

By the way, in business there is, for example, the term "HYIP project". But this concept has nothing to do with the hype mentioned above. It came from another word - hyip, meaning a highly profitable investment program, where income is provided by attracting new participants. Such a business is also called financial pyramids. Those who invest in such projects are also said to be "hype", but this is a completely different story.