Black Amethyst: Magical And Healing Properties Of The Stone

Black Amethyst: Magical And Healing Properties Of The Stone
Black Amethyst: Magical And Healing Properties Of The Stone

A variety of stones are often found in nature. Many are able to impress with their beautiful appearance and unique properties. Some gems are even difficult to describe. Black amethyst is such a mineral. It is rare and very expensive.

Black amethyst stone
Black amethyst stone

Black amethyst has appeared relatively recently. The extraction of stones at the present stage is carried out only on the territory of Uruguay. The stone comes across very rarely. Therefore, it is one of the most expensive minerals.

It is used, like other types of amethyst, in jewelry. With the help of various admixtures, the masters of their craft manage to create real masterpieces.

The first properties of the mineral were discovered during mining. Crystals are able to cleanse space from radiation and electromagnetic radiation. This property of black amethyst is quite useful in modern realities.

The mineral is capable of absorbing negative energy. But this property is not the only one. The mineral has a lot of useful qualities.

Healing properties of black amethyst

Lithotherapists believe that the stone has incredibly powerful qualities. With its help, it will be possible to cope with almost any disease. Basically, the mineral is used to tidy up the nervous system. Wearing a black crystal all the time can help relieve depression.

The stone is able to calm its owner. Therefore, thanks to the mineral, sleep will become better. The gem will get rid of such a problem as insomnia.

According to Indian yogis, black amethyst absorbs negative energy, saving its owner from a variety of diseases. With its help, you can relieve pain and inflammation.

With the help of the crystal, you can identify all the psychological trauma received in the past. The stone will help get rid of them, turn negative into positive emotions.

The magical properties of black amethyst

The stone must be worn constantly. Its properties will only improve from this. But it should be borne in mind that the stone is capable of absorbing negative energy. It needs to be cleaned regularly. Otherwise, he will begin to harm his owner.

To cleanse the mineral, you need to immerse it in water for a while. But it is best to rinse the stone under running water, while imagining how bad energy is washed down the drain.

Black amethyst has the following magical properties:

  1. a stone framed in silver will help you move up the career ladder and make friends with almost any person;
  2. a stone in combination with silver will help a girl to become pregnant;
  3. men need such a gem to strengthen relationships;
  4. the mineral in combination with gold will help restore and straighten energy flows;
  5. gold earrings with black amethyst strengthen and restore vision.

The black crystal can be inherited. In this case, its magical and healing properties will be enhanced.

Who is Black Amethyst suitable for?

Astrologers recommend wearing the mineral for Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Representatives of these zodiac signs will be able to take advantage of all the properties of the mineral. Black amethyst will become a faithful assistant for them in all spheres of life. The stone will suit other "water" signs as well.

Leo and Taurus should refuse to buy black amethyst. Representatives of these signs have a completely different energy. The stone will not only not help them, but it will also harm them.

The rest of the zodiac signs are allowed to wear the mineral. The stone will not help, but it will not harm either.