Hairy Stone: Healing And Magical Properties Of The "Hair Of Venus"

Hairy Stone: Healing And Magical Properties Of The "Hair Of Venus"
Hairy Stone: Healing And Magical Properties Of The "Hair Of Venus"

It is no coincidence that one of the most amazing minerals was named hairy or "Hair of Venus". Strands of long hair appear to be embedded in a transparent crystal. According to legend, the crystal was created by the goddess of love and beauty herself.

Hairy stone: healing and magical properties of the "Hair of Venus"
Hairy stone: healing and magical properties of the "Hair of Venus"

Once, while bathing, Venus did not notice that she had lost her golden strand. The goddess discovered the disappearance in winter, when the reservoir was frozen in ice. The gold in it looked so impressive that the celestial woman turned it into stone, giving the creation to people. In the East, the gem is called the beard of Mohammed, and in Europe it is called the arrows of Cupid.


Hairy is a type of rock crystal, that is, colorless quartz. The properties of this rare mineral are attributed to amazing. The main advantage of the hairworm was the ability to attract love and bring good luck in matters of the heart. For those wishing to attract the chosen one of women, the stone of Venus became a talisman.

In fact, the fancy patterns inside the crystal have nothing to do with the curls of the goddess of beauty. These are rutile inclusions. In addition to it, there may be inclusions of tourmaline, asbestos, riebeckite and actinolite. They determine the color of the pattern, changing from milky white to marsh green and black. The surface of the gem is glassy, transparent, with an oily sheen.

Rutile quartz is mined in many countries. The mineral is usually large, some crystals reach 100 kg. Tourmaline and rutile quartz are considered the most valuable and rare types of crystal. Jewelers usually work with hair with emerald and gold interspersed.

Hairy stone: healing and magical properties of the "Hair of Venus"
Hairy stone: healing and magical properties of the "Hair of Venus"

If tourmaline and rutile endow minerals with the most bizarre patterns, then silvery triangles with stars, rhombuses are a sign of asbestos inclusions. Sagenite quartz is used by designers in decor.

The Kola hairworm is mentioned separately. It is opaque, unlike other species, its shade is usually a faded gray or whitish. It is almost impossible to see inclusions of black or dark green colors. Due to its unattractiveness, the mineral was not used in jewelry. But the gem is actively used to decorate rooms and furniture.

Medicinal properties

The presence of Cupid's arrows, that is, black threads inside, depends on the presence of erigin. Shades of pink, red, orange are extremely rare. Emerald and pale green hairs are recognized as especially rare.

Even stones found at the same deposit cannot be completely identical: each has its own special pattern. The hairy crystal is endowed with healing properties. Esotericists are sure that the stone provides the owner with peace of mind, tranquility, noticeably lengthens the years of life.

Hairy stone: healing and magical properties of the "Hair of Venus"
Hairy stone: healing and magical properties of the "Hair of Venus"

Rutile Quartz Successfully:

  • fights diseases, improves immunity;
  • improves the work of blood vessels, heart, relieves ENT diseases;
  • strengthens hair, accelerates its growth;
  • normalizes hormonal levels during menopause;
  • relieves alcohol addiction.

Crystals with threads of golden and red shades are considered feminine. They improve the health of the genitourinary system. Dark green threads help to get rid of insomnia, improve the state of the nervous system. However, with prolonged wear, bad habits intensify, becoming more durable.

Properties are magical

Endowed with a gem and magical properties. It was believed that it helps the owner to see the future, endows with magical abilities. Also, the gem reliably protects against negative effects, damage and the evil eye. In this case, the owner of the crystal chooses itself.

Hairy stone: healing and magical properties of the "Hair of Venus"
Hairy stone: healing and magical properties of the "Hair of Venus"

The most powerful esotericists consider specimens with golden threads. They are most commonly used in magical rituals. Now, however, the "hair of Venus" is used as talismans. They are especially recommended for creative people. A pendant with a heart-shaped stone set in glass will help to attract love. This is how the amulet is amplified many times over. They wear it under clothes so as not to notice prying eyes.

Jewelry with a hairy hair in silver or gold frames is relevant. The size of the stone can be of any size. However, the finer the processing, the higher the value of the accessory.


There are no contraindications to wearing a gem. Unmarried women who want to find happiness in love are advised by astrologers to wear a ring with a crystal on their left hand. Decorating will also help win over those around you. The only exception is the representative of the sign Aries. The gem has no effect on them.

No special care of the crystal is required. However, it must be stored in a separate bag, protected from alkalis. Before working with household chemicals, the jewelry must be removed from the hands. The accessory does not tolerate temperature extremes. Therefore, before visiting the baths or saunas, it is removed.

Hairy stone: healing and magical properties of the "Hair of Venus"
Hairy stone: healing and magical properties of the "Hair of Venus"

To clean the stone, it is immersed in a warm soapy solution for 5-10 minutes. No abrasives can be used. Then the jewelry is washed with clean water and wiped dry with a soft cloth. Use a special cloth to clean the frame. All home remedies, including toothpaste and salt, can destroy a jewel.
