Prehnite Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Prehnite Stone: Magical And Healing Properties
Prehnite Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Both jewelry and interior items are made from prenite or grape jade. Amulets and talismans are made of precious stones. The walls and floors are laid out with mineral mosaics. They use prehnite both in lithotherapy and in magic.

Prehnite stone: magical and healing properties
Prehnite stone: magical and healing properties

The precious crystal got its name in honor of the Dane Hendrik von Prehn, a navigator. In the 18th century, he himself brought the mineral from the site of its discovery at the Cape of Good Hope to Europe. With its transparency, the stone resembles ripe white grapes illuminated by the sun's rays.

Appearance and features

Other names for the gem are Cape emerald, chiltonite and adelite. Aluminosilicate of magnesium and calcium occurs naturally in several colors:

  • light green;
  • white;
  • yellow and gray-green;
  • brownish yellowish.

The crystal is distinguished by uneven color and the presence of inclusions in the form of dark spots.

The rare shade of "cat's eye" gives a special glow to the gem. Such jewelry is especially in demand among jewelers. The main advantage of prenite is called the ability to shine on the floor with the rays of the sun.

Prehnite stone: magical and healing properties
Prehnite stone: magical and healing properties

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of chiltonite have been confirmed for a long time. Lithotherapists use it in the treatment of many diseases. Their mineral beads increase immunity, help heal endocrine system diseases.

A Cape emerald bracelet will cope with anemia. It will also become a reliable talisman against frostbite hands. For several hours a day, it is recommended to apply a stone to the affected organ in case of kidney pathology.

To get rid of absent-mindedness and sclerosis, they wear earrings with prehnite. Reducing the severity of attacks and completely curing gout also guarantees a useful gem.

Prehnite stone: magical and healing properties
Prehnite stone: magical and healing properties

Magical abilities

The crystal is popular among magicians. Esotericists advise using it during meditation. There is an opinion that adelite can turn back time, helps to know the future. The crystal will become a reliable protection when traveling to other dimensions.

Beads or bracelets made of stone are recommended for women who want to enhance their charm. In family life, the owner receives leadership qualities from the gem, acquires decisiveness, perseverance.

There is no consensus on the correspondence of the Cape emerald to any zodiac sign. Therefore, astrologers recommend holding the crystal in your hands in order to feel your attitude towards prenit. Pleasant emotions and warmth guarantee a positive impact on the jewelry. However, the gem affects the representatives of each element in its own way.

  • He gives true love to air signs. The talisman rewards with realism, practicality, makes the wearer restrained and balanced.
  • Carriers of the water element, especially Pisces, get rid of psychological problems, get mental comfort and positive emotions.
  • Fire signs will acquire discernment. The gem endows the ability of an unmistakable sense of lies and deceit, understanding the true motives and analyzing the mistakes of both others and one's own.
  • The element of the Earth will receive protection from negativity, health improvement.
Prehnite stone: magical and healing properties
Prehnite stone: magical and healing properties

A candle will help to distinguish a crystal from fakes. Real prehnite melts in its fire, changing color to white or light yellow. Transforms into a bubbly and mineral structure. However, such an experiment finally destroys the gem.
