What Icon To Pray For Drunkenness

What Icon To Pray For Drunkenness
What Icon To Pray For Drunkenness

Drunkenness is one of the most terrible vices, the dependence on which a person is not always ready to admit and accept. Faith and daily prayer work in front of images is the first step from which you need to start getting rid of this vice.

What icon to pray for drunkenness
What icon to pray for drunkenness

Drunkenness is one of the most serious diseases. And not only because it can be treated with great difficulty, but also because of the destruction not only of the physical state of human health, but also of his soul and mind. That is why the treatment of drunkenness must be started “from within,” with the help of prayer and requests for intercession from the saints. A huge variety of icons with the faces of saints can cause confusion in an ignorant person, so it is worth remembering several outstanding icons that you can turn to with prayer for healing from drunkenness.

Icon "Inexhaustible Chalice"

It is believed that the most powerful help comes from the icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice", which depicts the Mother of God with the Child blessing people in the Chalice, symbolizing the cup for communion. The icon is located in the city of Serpukhov, in the Intercession Church of the Vysotsky Monastery, but carefully made copies of the miraculous icon can be found in most Orthodox churches, in which, as in Serpukhov, prayers with an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos about healing from drunkenness are performed. Before the image of the Virgin, it is recommended to read a prayer dedicated to this icon or a prayer from sorcery, which also has great healing power.

The image of the holy martyr Boniface

The icon with the face of St. Boniface is considered to be no less powerful in its effect. During his lifetime, this saint led a rather dissolute lifestyle and was himself subject to the sin of drunkenness until the moment of his conversion to the Christian faith. After accepting the martyrdom, Boniface was canonized. Prayer in front of his icon helps to heal from the sin of drunkenness and adultery.

Image of the Martyrs Florus and Laurus

The holy healers Florus and Laurus, like Boniface, suffered from the sin of drinking wine during their lifetime. Turning to Christ for help, they not only got rid of their craving for alcohol, but also received from it the gift of healing people from various diseases, including alcoholism with drug addiction.

Icon of the Monk Moses Murin

The Monk Moses, a repentant robber suffering from drunkenness, spent the rest of his life in prayers for repentance, for which he was rewarded with the power of healing and power over demons.

They pray to the icon of the Monk Moses both for themselves and for a weak-willed person who is unable to cope with the sin of drunkenness on his own.

Icon of Nicholas the Pleasant the Wonderworker

One of the most revered saints is Nicholas the Wonderworker. Prayer addressed to Nicholas the Pleasant helps with many problems and sorrows, including the fight against the sin of drinking wine. There are special prayers-appeals to this saint, protecting those who deliver a person from drunkenness and other base passions.
