The Safronov Brothers, The Illusionists: The Secret Of Success

The Safronov Brothers, The Illusionists: The Secret Of Success
The Safronov Brothers, The Illusionists: The Secret Of Success

The Safronov brothers are not only a unique team in Russian show business, but also an exceptional case in the history of Russian psychics. The brothers perform such miracles on stage, which are sometimes difficult to classify as an illusion and I really want to call them magic.

The Safronov brothers - Russian Copperfields
The Safronov brothers - Russian Copperfields

For many years, the audience's interest in the popular illusionists, the Safronov brothers, has not subsided. This is due not only to people's interest in magic and magic, but also to the high professionalism and charisma of the brothers themselves.

Interesting facts from the biography of the Safronovs

The eldest of the brothers, Ilya, was born in 1977. He has been working in television for a long time, became interested in the world of magic after watching the David Copperfield show. In the trio, his functions are very broad - Ilya is both a director and a performer at the same time.

Andrey and Sergey are twins born in 1982. Andrei worked in the theater, then on television. Andrey is a stunt director and performer in his group. Sergey also has significant theatrical experience. He writes scripts and is a stunt performer.

All brothers have a theatrical education, so the sphere they have chosen is their native element.

Creativity and secrets of success of the Safronov brothers

For the first time, a viewer saw "Russian Copperfields" on television in 2002. Now they have their own shows: "Miraclearium of the Safronov brothers" and "Three Copperfield". The illusionists shot the film "Wonder People", in which both stars and ordinary people took part. And in 2012, a new TV project "Ukraine of Miracles" began its work with the participation of the brothers.

In addition, illusionists often decorate other TV shows with their miracles. In particular, they were engaged in staging tricks in the musical "12 chairs" in collaboration with Alexander Tsekalo and as judges participated in the show "Battle of Psychics".

Until now, in the domestic television space, the brothers are leaders in their genre. This can be explained primarily by the high skill of the illusionists, their disregard for physical and chemical laws, as well as fascinating shows that captivate people and make them believe in miracles.

One of the striking features of the Safronov brothers: they admit that magic in the form in which it is often positioned does not exist. Passing through walls, changing the quality of objects, disappearing and suddenly appearing objects, according to magicians, are the result of a very high-quality and well-prepared illusion. The highest skill, high-quality technique and the correct emotional impact on the viewer work here. The result is optical illusion, combined with the special perception of the viewer, which gives rise to the feeling of a miracle.

Many experts reveal the secrets of the brothers' tricks, however, thanks to the magical impression that their show has on the viewer, interest in their activities does not subside even after exposure.