How Much Is The Royal Ruble

How Much Is The Royal Ruble
How Much Is The Royal Ruble

Currently, numismatists are increasingly interested in the value of the royal ruble. In fact, the exact value is quite difficult to find out, since it can vary depending on the current exchange rate. However, an approximate price can be calculated.

How much is the royal ruble
How much is the royal ruble

To find out the price for the royal ruble, you need to choose the correct calculation method. For example, a comparison based on the gold content of the royal ruble is popular today. But modern currencies have had no connection with gold since the 1970s. It has long become a common commodity, and its price is determined mainly by speculative factors, which is why when using this technique, too high values are obtained. The calculation of the value of the royal ruble should begin with determining the dollar exchange rate at that time. For example, in 1913 it was 1 ruble 94.5 kopecks, that is, the ruble was equal to 0.514 dollars. Taking into account the above difference in prices, it is easy to guess that at that time one ruble could buy the same number of goods as for 1, 36 and more dollars. At present, the average annual price level in the country is more than 20 times higher than in 1913. And if we take into account the current inflation, then at the end of 2012 - beginning of 2013 the cost of the tsarist ruble of 1913 is 510 - 585 rubles. The latter estimate is based on a comparison of food prices in the United States and Russia during tsarist times. But even if we make a general comparison of prices in our country in 1913 and 2012, we get a value equal to about 627 rubles. The difference with the previously obtained number is less than 10%, which confirms the accuracy and reliability of the calculations. Then you can take the arithmetic mean between the available estimates at the dollar exchange rate and get the exact value of the coin at the moment. Thus, 1 royal ruble of the 1913 sample at the beginning of 2013 can be estimated at about 550 modern rubles, speaking of the consumer basket as a whole. If we talk only about the food basket, then the value of the coin will be approximately 610 rubles, taking into account the ratio of food prices in the United States and in Russia in 1913 and now, as well as the inflation rate.
