How Much Does A Person's Funeral Cost?

How Much Does A Person's Funeral Cost?
How Much Does A Person's Funeral Cost?

Many complain about the high cost of living, but dying today is also expensive. If loved ones die and their funeral falls on you, it is better to know in advance how much the burial ceremony will cost. As in ordinary life, this ceremony can be dignified, but rather modest, or it can cost a very large sum.

How much does a person's funeral cost?
How much does a person's funeral cost?

Economical option

How many people have to deal with the death of someone close to them. Even the expected death seems sudden and few people prepare for it. But any citizen of the country can expect that the state will bury him at its own expense - 6 thousand rubles are allocated for this. As a rule, only those deceased are buried for that kind of money, whose bodies were never claimed by their relatives. In any case, this amount will be allocated to the relatives of the deceased, even if they are going to bury him at their own expense.

The set of funeral services for those who have limited funds and for those who are not constrained in them is almost the same, just their cost will depend on the quality of those funeral accessories that are required without fail. Such accessories include a coffin and a pillow, a cross, a mourning blanket, wreaths, towels and handkerchiefs, which, according to Russian custom, are handed out to the cemetery. If the deceased did not prepare clothing for burial in advance, its cost should also be included in this list. This part of the procedure will cost 6-10 thousand rubles.

Please note that washing the deceased and dressing him in the morgue will also not be free. Usually it costs 3-5 thousand rubles.

In the budget option, you should order burial services in a municipal enterprise to which the administration of your locality has delegated these rights. The services are not free, but they will cost several times less than those offered by commercial funeral companies. You will have to pay for the registration of a burial, digging a grave, a hearse and, if necessary, a bus for the mourners, as well as burying the grave and installing a cross, decorating it with wreaths. For all this, you will have to pay about 10 thousand rubles more, according to the most conservative estimates.

The list of standard funeral services does not include the manufacture of fences and monuments. Usually they are installed after the earth has settled, after about a year.

Funeral suite

We can say that the upper bar does not exist in this case. The cost of a polished and lacquered coffin made of valuable wood, expensive bedding, wreaths of fresh flowers, etc. will increase the cost of a funeral by several dozen times. In this case, both 150 and 200 thousand rubles are not the maximum amounts. As a rule, such a funeral assumes that you will also have to pay for a special prestigious place, and if you decide to bury in some cemetery that is already closed for burial, then you will have to fork out another 60-100 thousand rubles.


Usually, funeral services are the largest item of funeral expenses. You can save money here only if you make them at home and cook the dishes yourself. In this case, the funeral table, which will accommodate 1-20 people, will have to spend at least another 5 thousand rubles. If you order a commemoration in any catering establishment, they can cost from 20 thousand and more.
