Import Substitution Of Goods In Russia

Import Substitution Of Goods In Russia
Import Substitution Of Goods In Russia

The process of import substitution of goods, products and technologies in Russia can be traced back to 1998. In the light of the ever-expanding sanctions, this issue has been discussed more thoroughly.

import substitution in Russia
import substitution in Russia

Mastering the course on import substitution in Russia in 2015 became especially important and, according to experts, is able to bring the country out of the crisis. Thanks to the public procurement program, it is expected to provide support for national goods and products.

If everything is quite stable with the food industry in Russia, then the information technology sphere lags far behind Western manufacturers. Copying foreign developments is not capable of creating a competitive product, therefore, in the development of technologies it is more competent to rely on the world market, and not on the domestic one.

import substitution in Russia
import substitution in Russia

The experience of countries such as China, India and Brazil perfectly demonstrates the implementation of an import substitution program in a specific area based on healthy competition. This transition can be simplified by attracting foreign developers as experts for conducting competitions and tenders, as well as monitoring procurement.

The creation of a self-regulatory organization can induce domestic producers to develop production, as well as to bring goods to the international market. This should increase the confidence of Russian developers in government policy.

import substitution in Russia
import substitution in Russia

Now import substitution of goods works successfully only in the food and defense industries and is most difficult to implement in the field of oil and gas production. The greatest assistance is planned to be provided to the field of heavy engineering, light industry and pharmaceuticals, which have everything necessary to create high-quality and competitive products.

Government subsidies and incentives for investment in domestic developments will make it possible to implement the import substitution program more naturally and painlessly for the market of goods and services.