December is extremely rich in birthday people, especially for men. Although some women can also find their name in the December calendar. Moreover, the day of the Angel in the first month of winter is not necessarily celebrated by those who were born in December.

Angel Day and Men
Every day in December is an Angel day for a man. An exception is the fourth number - Ada's name day.
If the first day of the first month of winter is not too rich in birthday people, then all other numbers more than fill this gap. The first of December is the day of the Angel celebrated by Nicholas, Platons and Romanes.
The second number is especially rich in birthday people - Sasha, Venya, Grisha, Denis, Dima, Vanya, Kostya, Lenya, Misha, Fedya - can celebrate their Angel's laziness. On the third of December, the patron saints of Alexander, Alexei, Anatoly, Arseny, Vasily, Vladimir and many others are venerated.
Skipping the 4th number, the 5th day of the Angel is celebrated by men called Arkhip, Athanasius, Boris, Ilya, Maxim, Mark. Thaddeus, Jacob and Gerasim are also December birthday people.
Some names are repeated, which means that someone has two or more Angel days in December. For example, Alexander has 13 of them - 2, 3, 6-8, 17, 22-23, 25-26, 28-30 numbers. Boris can celebrate name days on December 5, 6, 10, 15, Vladimir on December 3, 5, 10, 15, 22, 26, 29 and 31.
But only once in the December calendar there are Orestes (December 26), Leo and Galaktion (December 20), Zakhar (December 18), Raphael (December 11), Innokenty (December 9) and Vsevolod (December 10).
Angel day and women
Women's names are not found in the first month of winter as often as December male birthdays. But among them there are such unusual names as Kira (the birthday girl on the 17th), Mirra (the birthday girl on the 15th) and Thekla - she celebrates the day of the Angel on the 3rd, 10th and 23rd.
Anna has a name day in December four times - on the 3rd, 11th, 22nd-23rd. Catherine has twice - on the 7th and 17th. Also in December, the day of the Angel Nastya (December 17 and 26), Liza (December 31), Margarita (December 26), Anfisa (December 21), Alexandra, Angelina and Evdokia (December 23) can be celebrated.
Girls named Sophia are birthday girls on the 29th and 31st, Vera on the 15th and 31st, Tamara on the 15th, and Varvara and Ulyana on December 17th. Those who were named Tanya by their parents should celebrate their name days on December 3 and 23, Marina - December 29, Zoya - December 31.
On the day of the name day, it is advisable to go to church, light a candle and pray at the icon of that saint or saint whose name you bear. It is also recommended on such days to confess and receive communion. Then the day of the Angel will be not just an occasion to gather in a circle of relatives, but a real spiritual holiday.