What Is PMS - Decryption For Different Cases

What Is PMS - Decryption For Different Cases
What Is PMS - Decryption For Different Cases

The abbreviation PMS is quite common, but its meaning is sometimes confusing. This is not surprising, since the meanings of this abbreviation may be different. How is PMS deciphered when it comes to girls, railways, the economy, military affairs and much more?

What is PMS - decryption for different cases
What is PMS - decryption for different cases

What is PMS in girls - spelled out

The abbreviation PMS is most commonly used to refer to premenstrual syndrome ("Pre-Menstrual Syndrome"). This is a complex set of symptoms that can be observed in some women in the days leading up to their period (two to 10 days). Some people think that PMS is a myth made up by women to justify their bad moods, but this is not the case. Premenstrual syndrome is an officially recognized disease that can occur with varying degrees of severity.

PMS in girls can manifest itself in different ways. The most common signs are headaches, irritability, weakness, tearfulness, drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue, and pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Some women in this period "jump" pressure, there is nausea or even vomiting, fainting. For other girls, during PMS, their taste or smell may be exacerbated, and their taste preferences may change. Premenstrual syndrome can be accompanied by swelling, breast tenderness, and digestive disorders.

According to medical research, about 5% of women have a rather severe PMS course, and this greatly affects their well-being, performance, as well as relationships in society and in the family.

The most noticeable symptoms of PMS in women are mood swings, a tendency to cry, depressive moods, increased irritability, and sometimes aggressiveness. This greatly affects those around them - especially the partners of girls who are prone to PMS.


Men often sneer at this condition and sometimes tend to explain any excessive manifestations of female emotionality with premenstrual syndrome. However, some women also tend to be humorous about their own "periods of insanity." Therefore, PMS often appears in all sorts of anecdotes, demotivators, jokes. For example, an expression may "fly in" to a hysterical girl (transcript - "candidate for master of sports for premenstrual syndrome").

There is also a number of "popular" transcripts of the abbreviation PMS, reflecting the emotional state of women during this period. For example:

  • period of maximum bitchiness,
  • have pity on me today
  • shoot me now,
  • why do we suffer
  • love me soon
  • why are men bastards
  • it is difficult for a man to understand
  • period of male suffering,
  • just accept it silently.

What does PMS mean on Russian Railways

On the railways, the abbreviation PMS is adopted to denote track machine stations, which include special mobile units involved in scheduled maintenance of the railway track - including replacing rails, strengthening earth embankments, servicing turnouts, and protecting against flooding or snow drifts. To simplify things, the PMS can be called “automated maintenance trains”. But in fact, the track machine stations also include living quarters for employees, workshop cars, storeroom cars and much more.


The very first track machine station was organized back in 1934, on the Moscow-Kursk railway. Now more than 300 PMS are working on Russian railways.

All PMS on the railways have their own number and are "assigned" to a specific section. For example, PMS-75 Gatchina, PMS-232 Ufa, PMS-329 Adler.

How PMS stands for sports, military affairs, navigation and other industries

In the work of the United Nations, ICP stands for the United Nations International Comparison Program, which helps to obtain information on the state of the economies of different regions based on the comparison of the purchasing power of currencies.

In the field of communication, PMS stands for "government long distance communication", it is also called HF communication (high frequency communication). This communication system was organized in the USSR in the 1930s in order to ensure the secrecy of negotiations between the country's leadership, as well as state security agencies. The people called the nomenclature communication system a "turntable".

In navigation, the abbreviation PMS stands for motor-sailing vessel. As a rule, these are small sailing vessels, which at the same time are equipped with a mechanical engine that can be used when maneuvering or calm. The most common types of PSM are schooners, barkentines and barges. It is on such ships that students of maritime schools usually get their first navigation skills.


In sports, PMS stands for "Honorary Master of Sports". Now such a title is no longer awarded, but in the days of the USSR, starting from the 60s, the title of honorary masters of sports of the USSR was awarded to athletes who, for five years, annually successfully fulfilled the standard of the Master of Sports of the USSR.

In chemistry, the abbreviation PMS is used to denote polymethylsiloxane. This polymer tolerates high temperatures well, therefore it is used for the manufacture of plastic products used in "hot" conditions.

In military affairs, PMS can mean Starinov's train mine - these are the legendary portable mines for the explosion of trains, developed by the Soviet designer, military leader and partisan saboteur Ilya Starinov. These mines were widely used during the Spanish Civil War and the Great Patriotic War and were considered the most effective weapon of the Soviet partisans.

The abbreviation PMS can have other meanings. For example, in St. Petersburg there is OJSC Petersburg backbone grids, whose abbreviated name is OJSC PMS. And at the State University of the city of Oryol, students are trained, among other things, at the Department of PMS (the decoding in this case means "instrumentation, metrology and certification").