The Magical And Healing Properties Of Sodalite. Compatibility With Zodiac Signs

The Magical And Healing Properties Of Sodalite. Compatibility With Zodiac Signs
The Magical And Healing Properties Of Sodalite. Compatibility With Zodiac Signs

In sodalite, scientists are attracted by the unusual characteristics of the stone, esotericists allocate the mineral for its magical properties, lithotherapists appreciate its healing properties. Jewelers note the richness of the shades of the gem. Interesting in its history and features, the stone has found its place among geologists and collectors.

The magical and healing properties of sodalite. Compatibility with zodiac signs
The magical and healing properties of sodalite. Compatibility with zodiac signs

In the sanctuaries of the Incas, the stone acted as the main decoration, and paint was made from its crumbs. The campaigns of the conquistadors made people forget about the mineral for many years. The first descriptions are dated 1811. Scottish chemist Thomas Thomson conducted a series of experiments with the gem, studying its properties.

Appearance and features

Mineral deposits are located near active volcanoes. Crystals are formed after lava emerges to the surface. There are many impurities in the composition of sodalite. They determine the color of the gem. There are sky blue, white, blue, green, yellow, gray, and red patterns. The rarest is considered pink.

Transparent or translucent stone has a glass luster. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the jewel fluoresces with an orange-red hue. Hard metal leaves white scratches on the crystal.

The magical and healing properties of sodalite. Compatibility with zodiac signs
The magical and healing properties of sodalite. Compatibility with zodiac signs

The gem has unique properties. It is able to change color, absorb volatile vapors and participate in ion exchange processes. There are two types: hekmanite and alomite. The first ones change color in the sun, darkening with prolonged exposure to its rays. X-rays and sodium vapor return their former appearance to blackened stones.

Alomites are usually blue in color, differing in texture. There may be blotches, streaks and spots.

Healing and magical properties

The gem also has other features. Lithotherapists are sure that any ailments can be cured with the help of this amazing mineral.

The magical and healing properties of sodalite. Compatibility with zodiac signs
The magical and healing properties of sodalite. Compatibility with zodiac signs

It has been verified that the condition of patients with radiation sickness improved after a short exposure to the stone.

  • For those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, the pulse is normalized, the pressure decreases.
  • To normalize the work of vital organs, it is recommended to apply a gem to problem areas.
  • Recovery is accelerated and the wearers' resistance to infections improves.
  • Sodalite is used in the treatment of nervous disorders.
  • The mineral helps to alleviate the condition during stress, it is easier to endure difficult situations.
  • The gem relieves nightmares, cures insomnia.

Due to its magical properties, the stone often acts as a talisman. The amulet develops intuition, increases the intellectual and creative abilities of the owners.

  • Sodalite helps to increase self-esteem, bestows recognition and love of others, prevents mistakes and directs you on the right path.
  • Jewelry with a gem enhances the feminine charm. Under the influence of the crystal, men become more collected, confident, easily achieve their goals.
  • With a change in color, the amulet signals an impending danger.
The magical and healing properties of sodalite. Compatibility with zodiac signs
The magical and healing properties of sodalite. Compatibility with zodiac signs


Esotericists are sure that the energy of the gem is ideally suited to businessmen, doctors, lawyers and teachers. According to astrologers, sodalite cannot harm any sign of the zodiac. It is favorable for everyone, but it becomes the most powerful talisman for those whose birthday falls on the 12th lunar day.

The gem is endowed with special significance for representatives of Taurus, Scorpions and Sagittarius. He will help fulfill the purpose and get rid of excessive temper and emotionality.

  • Leos and Pisces will have better contact with others.
  • Aries and Cancer will learn to focus.
  • Virgo and Gemini will find peace of mind, and Libra will raise the intellectual level.
  • Capricorns will have imperceptible flaws, their advantages will be more pronounced. Aquarians will become more judicious.
The magical and healing properties of sodalite. Compatibility with zodiac signs
The magical and healing properties of sodalite. Compatibility with zodiac signs


Jewelers especially appreciate the translucent smooth nuggets of blue and light blue. Sodalite is used as a decorative material. The processed crystals are often used to make unique jewelry.

To preserve and maintain the magical power of the amulet, it is washed weekly under running water.

The crystal that has lost its color is placed in a container with rock crystal and water.

Products are stored in a separate case, wiped with a soft cloth.

The magical and healing properties of sodalite. Compatibility with zodiac signs
The magical and healing properties of sodalite. Compatibility with zodiac signs

Natural stone dissolves completely in acid. It does not burn, but if set on fire, it can change its hue. When a mineral is immersed in a liquid, the water becomes cloudy after a few hours.
