Humanity has accumulated a huge amount of knowledge. Their transfer is always carried out from teacher to student, even if books and other information carriers act as intermediaries in this process. For many people, acquiring knowledge is closely related to the concept of school.

Step 1
What is a school? First of all, this is the place where a person receives knowledge. It is known that schools already existed in China five to six thousand years ago. The term "school" itself is translated from Greek as "leisure, spending free time." There is a theory according to which the first schools were organized as a place where people unable to actively work could communicate. Namely, old people and children. In the process of communication, older people passed on their knowledge to children; over time, this method of transferring knowledge became the main one. And no matter how the names of educational institutions changed, be they technical schools, institutes or universities, in their essence they remained and remain the same schools - a place where people receive knowledge.
Step 2
Despite the fact that initially the term "school" meant exactly an educational institution, over time it began to be perceived more broadly. The school began to call scientific and philosophical directions closely related to the name of their founder, the essence or the place where they appeared. For example, the Pythagorean schools can be distinguished among the philosophical schools - it was developed by Pythagoras and his students. Sophistic - its prominent representatives were Protagoras, Prodicus, Hippias, Gorgias. Stoicism, which taught to always be ready for trials. A scholastic student who studied questions of theology. You can also note the German classical philosophy, Materialism, Anthropologism, Irrationalism, Freudianism and Neo-Freudianism, Existentialism … Philosophical schools are very diverse, each of them is based on certain postulates and has its own bright representatives.
Step 3
With scientific schools, everything is much simpler, there is no such scatter of opinions and judgments as in questions of philosophy. But there are also common points - in particular, the name is given to the school by the name of the person who founded it, the place where the main research work is carried out, or by the name of the scientific direction. For example, in physics, the scientific schools of A. F. Ioffe, L. D. Landau, P. L. Kapitsa gained worldwide fame. No less famous schools exist in other sciences. For a young scientist, in whatever field he works, one of the most important issues is the choice of a scientific school.
Step 4
The term "school" is sometimes used in a context not directly related to educational institutions. “Army is a good school”, “School of life” - these short phrases turn out to be very capacious and meaningful. For a young man, the army becomes one of the first serious tests. Life all the more gives invaluable lessons, shapes the character and worldview of a person.
Step 5
Whatever the school, its essence always remains unchanged - teaching, transfer of knowledge. And this knowledge is constantly updated, because each generation of people makes its invaluable contribution to it.