Why You Can't Go To School In Jeans

Why You Can't Go To School In Jeans
Why You Can't Go To School In Jeans

A person goes to school first of all to gain knowledge. Most often, children at school age do not yet realize why they really need school knowledge and skills, respectively, it is very difficult for them to organize themselves and tune in to a working mood.

Jeans are sporty
Jeans are sporty

What do parents think about it?

Self-discipline depends on many factors, including appearance. If a student is wearing trendy ripped jeans and sneakers with luminescent laces, what kind of study can we talk about? It's another matter if he has an ironed white shirt, trousers and a jacket. In this form, a person is more inclined towards mental work than physical activity. Of course, especially mischievous students cannot be pacified even with a form, but there is a hope that they will at least try to restrain themselves for some time.

When a student comes to school in jeans, his classmates also want to look fashionable and stylish, this is how the youth competition “who looks cooler” arises, which discourages any hope that the child will think about school and not about clothes. At school age, the authority and recognition of peers is very important, therefore, all the forces of schoolchildren, as a rule, are aimed at obtaining them.

On the way of a teenager, such an obstacle as the financial situation of the family can have an effect. Not all parents can afford to buy their child the same fashionable jeans from Calvin Klein as, for example, Vasya's or a dress from Dolce Gabbana like Karina's. And to understand that your child suffers because he cannot match his classmates is painful and unpleasant. Therefore, parents are exhausted, doing everything possible to dress the child in the latest fashion. It is very stressful and difficult for them. Unhealthy competition arises not only between classmates, but also between their families.

This is not only fraught with conflicts, but also the development of substitution of values. The outer shell turns out to be important, and not the desire for knowledge, intelligence, and a positive creative attitude of the child. The school uniform in this situation turns out to be a real salvation. She not only eliminates the struggle for primacy in the matter of appearance, but also teaches each student to feel like a member of a single team.

What teachers say about it

If a student is dressed in a free style, his individuality is clearly manifested, and a motley crowd of young fashionistas is obtained. Putting on the uniform, the students seem to become one whole, which very much unites and makes friends not only one class, but the whole school.

During puberty, girls are actively trying to attract boys with their appearance. And very often you can see jeans on them, which, from the point of view of modesty, have an excessively low waist. Accordingly, due to the physiology of adolescence, neither girls nor boys, for sure, can think about studying.

The aesthetic appearance of the form gives the student nobility, intelligence and seriousness. At school, the student is prepared to be able to observe etiquette and comply with the internal rules of the organization in which he works or studies. The dress code of many serious organizations with decent wages does not allow jeans to be worn by employees, since they do not at all belong to the official business style.