Russian theater and film actress - Maria Dobrzhinskaya - is now at the peak of popularity. Her active work since 2005 as a member of the troupe of the theater "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors" and a wide filmography filled with talented film works, eloquently testify that she deserves to be one of the modern galaxy of Russian stars.

A native of Moscow and the wife of the famous Russian actor Andrei Chernyshov (General Therapy, Zemsky Doctor, Lednikov), Maria Dobrzhinskaya, despite her rather young age, has already won the hearts of millions of fans of her talent. This actress very harmoniously combines an attractive appearance, the ability to act and that indescribable charm, which is inherent only to truly gifted artists.
Brief biography of Maria Dobrzhinskaya
On July 1, 1984, one more future actress was added to Moscow. Showing from early childhood an irresistible desire for reincarnation, Maria did not even think about any career other than an artistic one. The music school, tennis lessons and the study of foreign languages: English and French, were able to form her artistry, physical endurance and intellectual development.
After graduating from high school, Dobrzhinskaya entered the Shchepkin Theater School, where he received a higher acting education on the course with V. M. Beilis and V. N. Ivanov. And from 2005 to the present day she has been successfully realized as a theatrical actress in the theater "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors".
Her debut on the stage took place in her student years. Here she perfectly showed herself in the performances: "Masquerade", "Do not part with your loved ones", "Elder son", "Shadow", "Doctor of Philosophy", "And the dawns here are quiet …", "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka." Today's repertoire of the actress in Taganka is filled with such productions as "Chao", "Millionaire", "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "Four Toasts to Victory", "Afghan", "Miss and the Mafia", "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "Ivan- Tsarevich, gray wolf and others. " Her entrepreneurial projects include the performances “They don’t joke with love” (the role of Leonora) and “Dreams of an idiot” (the role of Nancy).
The ideal anthropometric data of Maria Dobrzhinskaya (height - 178 cm, weight - 54 kg) allow her to transform into the most diverse characters, which, of course, is very important for an ambitious and purposeful actress.
The first cinematic project of the artist was in 2003 the detective series "Advocate-1", where she played a girl victim. And then her filmography began to rapidly fill with serious film works, among which the following should be highlighted: "Adjutants of Love" (2005), "Somersault House" (2007), "Three Above - 2" (2007), "Next Love" (2010), “Zoykina's Love” (2011), “Beautiful to Death” (2013), “Fir-trees-3” (2013), “Vlasik” (2015), “Mommy” (2016).
The last work of the actress includes a joint participation with Andrei Chernyshov and Vyacheslav Razbegaev in the entreprise "Love on Mondays". One scandalous story is connected with this project, when due to the reluctance of the artists to be included in the "black lists" of Russian citizens, the composition of the troupe has seriously changed while touring the Crimean peninsula. Maria's husband (Andrey Chernyshov) has elderly parents living in Ukraine, which creates an unpleasant situation with the possibility of unhindered visits. However, the artists themselves explained this act with the financial aspect of their personal life.
Personal life of the actress
The ten-year epic of civil relations with actor Andrei Chernyshov ended with a wedding in February 2017. The couple have no children yet, but Maria Dobrzhinskaya considers the joint entrepreneurial project "Dreams of an Idiot" to be a real creative brainchild.