Egyptian Pyramids: Mysteries

Egyptian Pyramids: Mysteries
Egyptian Pyramids: Mysteries

The Egyptian pyramids - the most amazing mystery of our planet - fascinate and amaze modern researchers and scientists. What secret have these unique structures kept in their depths for many centuries?

Egyptian pyramids: mysteries
Egyptian pyramids: mysteries

Egyptian religion says that the pyramids were necessary for deceased people in the subsequent afterlife. In the pyramids, along with the bodies, were stored personal belongings and wealth that the deceased used during his lifetime: jewelry, jewelry, clothing, household items and other things that could be useful to the person who passed into another world.

It was believed that the richer and more powerful the ruler was during his lifetime, the more majestic and higher his pyramid should be. Looking at these gigantic structures, it is difficult to imagine what countless treasures the Egyptian pharaohs must have possessed! For example, the area of the Cheops pyramid is 85,000 square meters, and the height is approaching 150 m! In addition, it should be borne in mind that the construction of the pyramids was carried out manually - after all, it is unlikely that the ancient Egyptians owned special construction equipment and technologies.

The mystery of the Egyptian pyramids has not yet been solved. Until now, there is no consensus among the scientific community on how, by whom and at what time the pyramids were built. According to the first version, the architects and builders of the pyramids were the ancient Egyptians. Another version says that the pyramids appeared on Earth long before the appearance of the most ancient Egyptian civilization.

Disputes of scientists about the purpose of the pyramids do not subside. There is even an opinion that the tops of the pyramids served as landmark beacons for interstellar alien ships, pointing them to the Sinai Desert.

Archaeologists have discovered unique texts and manuscripts of Ancient Egypt. Legends say that they were passed down to the Egyptians by the inhabitants of ancient Atlantis, who possessed superhuman knowledge and capabilities, and perhaps even by aliens from other star systems. But regardless of who these creatures were, who were worshiped by the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt, perhaps it was they who passed on to the Egyptians the knowledge and skills that modern society still does not possess, in particular, the unique technology of building pyramids.

We have yet to solve the riddles hidden in the majestic structures that carry their secret knowledge through time. There is a dark legend that when the keys to ancient riddles are found and the secrets are solved, the end of the world will come. But there is a legend that is much more life-affirming - along with the clues, an understanding of all the secrets and secrets of life philosophy and the world order as a whole will come to humanity.