Amber Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Amber Stone: Magical And Healing Properties
Amber Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Amber is a stone famous for its mystery. Some types of this mineral are very rare. But in most cases, a crystal can be bought by anyone, regardless of income level. The stone has a wide range of magical and medicinal properties, which will be discussed in the article.

Amber stone
Amber stone

Amber stone was found a long time ago. They appreciated it mainly for its beauty and amazing appearance. But also medicinal, magical properties were regularly used. The mineral was first described as early as the 10th century BC. The oldest mineral is in the Museum of London.

In ancient years, amber was used in different ways.

  1. On the territory of Ancient Egypt, stone was used to create incense burners. The gem was often used in mystical practices.
  2. In ancient Greece, the mineral was called electrom (shining). People believed that with it they could win any battle. Therefore, the men took the stone with them to the war.
  3. In Rome, the mineral could only be purchased by wealthy people. Amber underlined their high status.

The healing properties of amber

According to lithotherapists, with the help of a stone, you can cope with almost any disease. Therefore, the mineral is actively used in folk medicine. It has the following properties.

  1. Helps to speed up metabolism and cleanse the body. Therefore, the stone is recommended to be worn by people who look after their figure. In this case, amber should be worn as a bracelet.
  2. The stone will help to get rid of the addiction of heavy smokers.
  3. Amber tincture will help to cope with colds and lung problems.
  4. Not only stone can heal, but also the smoke that is formed when the mineral burns. With its help, it will be possible to cope with coughs and asthma.

The magical properties of amber

The mineral is not used in black magic rites. But still he has a fairly large number of magical properties. True, only a person with pure thoughts and positive energy can use them.

  1. Residents of eastern countries are sure that the stone makes a man stronger and more passionate.
  2. It is believed that the mineral can protect housing from evil spirits, damage and evil eyes. To do this, the stone must be hidden in the doorframe.
  3. The smoke generated in the process of burning amber is able to attract happiness and good luck into the life of its owner.
  4. Previously, the stone was worn by pregnant women. It was believed that thanks to the mineral, childbirth would take place without complications, and the baby would be strong and healthy.
The magical properties of amber
The magical properties of amber

The stone is able to charge its owner with vigor and energy.

  1. Many magical properties of amber depend on its color.
  2. The white mineral is the most valuable. With its help, you can avoid material problems. Saves its owner from conflicts and protects from damage.
  3. A yellow gem helps to deal with negative energy.
  4. Cherry stone will bring good luck to entrepreneurs. It is recommended to purchase it for company owners and financiers.

Who is amber suitable for?

Not everyone can wear the mineral. Astrologers believe that the stone is ideal for Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. Representatives of these signs will be able to use all the properties of the gem, without exception.

Amber will not help Taurus at all. But it won't hurt either. The stone can only be used as a decoration. Other signs can also wear the mineral. But at the same time, it will not bring much benefit.

But it should be understood that such a division according to the zodiacal characteristics is rather arbitrary. Amber usually chooses its owner on its own.