Sergey Tereshchenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Sergey Tereshchenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Sergey Tereshchenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Some time ago, a famous Soviet poet said that there are no people in the world who are uninteresting. Each person has some kind of character traits or features that can be monetized. Sergey Tereshchenko came to the set from the gym.

Sergey Tereshchenko
Sergey Tereshchenko

Starting conditions

Among the world famous actors, there are people of different sizes. The youth audience at all times liked the performers of an athletic physique, with pumped up muscles and a masculine expression. When heroes perform feats and noble deeds, boys living in different latitudes strive to imitate them. Sergey Vladimirovich Tereshchenko was born on August 9, 1975 in an ordinary family. Parents lived in the city of Yaroslavl. My father worked at a motor plant. Mother is a nurse in the clinic.


Sergei grew up a strong and not timid child. He loved to play football and other outdoor games. He studied well at school, although he did not have enough stars from the sky. In high school, along with his best friend, he came to the gym for a demonstration workout in the weightlifting section. Assessing the boy's physique, the coach noted that he should definitely work out with a barbell and dumbbells. And from that moment Tereshchenko did not miss a single training session. After school, Sergei was drafted into the ranks of the armed forces. During the service, friends strongly advised him to try his skills and act in films.


Last Hero

Returning to civilian life, Tereshchenko rallied with courage, prepared and decided to get a specialized education at the Yaroslavl Theater School. In 2000 he completed his studies and began to look for suitable options for his future career. It was at this moment that preparations were underway for the first season of the extreme television show "The Last Hero". Sergey was among the participants in the project. He did not become a winner, but he was shown on All-Russian television. The textured actor, as they say, was taken on a pencil by film producers. The actor's successful debut was a cameo in the film "Not all cats are gray."


This was followed by filming in several more trial projects. Tereshchenko each time demonstrated his increasing professionalism. The actor, as a rule, was invited to the roles of bandits, investigators and private detectives. The names of the films speak for themselves: "Adventurer", "End of the World", "At gunpoint". In this context, it should be clarified that working in the cinema for Sergei is just a hobby. The famous actor devotes a lot of time and effort to coaching. Systematically engaged in physical and special training with the younger generation.


Recognition and privacy

The actor and the sportsman are not isolated in their work. Sergei was twice elected a deputy of the District Council of Pechatniki. He regularly met with voters and helped them solve various problems.

Everything is known about the personal life of Sergei Tereshchenko. He is legally married. A husband and wife are raising and raising two sons. Replenishment in the family is not planned yet.
