Monkeys are one of the smartest mammals in the animal kingdom. They are more like people than anyone else and often manage to amaze with their intelligence and resourcefulness. Not surprisingly, there are quite a few scientific documentaries about monkeys.

"Smart Monkeys", BBC, 2008
The filmmakers reveal amazing facts to the audience: monkeys understand feelings such as envy and generosity, they know how to lie, feel guilty … and, of course, love. Like human society, the monkey race has its own culture of behavior, they educate young people and accumulate knowledge about the world around them in order to adapt to its diversity. From the film you can find out which of the monkeys are the smartest and what they have already managed to adopt from the human world.
"Smarter than a monkey", USA, 2008
Another documentary with a very similar title compares a man and a monkey. For some, such an analysis may seem offensive, for others - very curious. After all, the DNA of chimpanzees and humans coincide by 98, 4%! The creators of this project decided to find out what other similarities and what differences there are between us and the great apes.
"Geniuses of the animal world - Monkey", USA, 2008
This documentary goes into more detail on chimpanzees: over time, these great apes are getting smarter, they are constantly learning new things. It turns out that they are no longer afraid of water, and in African forests you can find monkeys that make spears and hunt, like our ancestors … Believe it or not - everyone's choice, but laboratory studies prove - the mental abilities of chimpanzees are really impressive! The film tells about the most interesting facts from the life of monkeys.
"Little kingdom of four monkeys", France, 1998
This film is about the Brazilian Montes Carlos Forest Reserve. Four types of monkeys live here - all with their own unique habits, habits and behavior. However, this does not prevent them from coexisting peacefully there together, living in a good neighborhood. Viewers will learn about the "hippie monkey" - Mirika, who spends her days in blissful idleness. They will see a charming marmoset - a hunter for insects and frogs. Howlers and Capuchins live here, feeling at ease, because in the reserve there are no dangers of the human world.
"Mysteries of the life of monkeys", France, 2006
The film takes viewers to the savannah, home to more than a dozen different species of monkeys. They are different not only in appearance: orangutans, macaques, gorillas are very dissimilar in character and behavior. Therefore, it is obvious that a representative of each of this variety of species has some mysteries hidden … An educational journey across the savannah promises to open the veil of secrecy.