Which State Will Be The Most Powerful

Which State Will Be The Most Powerful
Which State Will Be The Most Powerful

The change of dominant states is a frequent phenomenon in modern history. Over the past few centuries, the palm of the world championship has passed from one leader to another more than once.

Which state will be the most powerful
Which state will be the most powerful

History of the last superpowers

In the 19th century, Britain was the undisputed world leader. But already from the beginning of the 20th century, the role of the first violin passed to the USA. After the Second World War, the world became bipolar, when the Soviet Union was able to become a serious military and political counterbalance to the United States.

With the collapse of the USSR, the role of the ruling state was temporarily taken over by the United States. But the States did not hold out as sole leaders for long. Already by the beginning of the 21st century, the European Union was able to become a full-fledged economic and political union, equal to, and in many respects superior to, the potential of the United States.

Potential world leaders

But other shadow leaders did not waste time during this period. Over the past 20-30 years, Japan has strengthened its potential, which has the third state budget in the world. Russia, having begun the fight against corruption and accelerating the process of modernizing the military complex, claims to return to the leading position in the world in the next 50 years. Brazil and India, with their colossal human resources, can also in the near future swing the role of world superpowers. You should not discount the Arab countries, which in recent years have not only been enriched by oil, but also skillfully invest the money they earned in the development of their states.

Another potential leader that is often overlooked is Turkey. This country already has experience of world domination, when the Ottoman Empire ruled almost half of the world for several centuries. Now the Turks are wisely investing both in new technologies and the economic development of their country, and are actively developing the military-industrial complex.

The next world leader

It is too late to deny that the PRC will become the next world leader. Over the past several decades, China's economy has been the fastest growing. During the current global financial crisis, it was this rapidly developing and overpopulated state that was the first to show signs of an overall economic recovery.

Thirty years ago, a billion people in China lived below the poverty line. And by 2020, experts predict that China's share of global GDP will be 23 percent, while the United States will have only 18 percent.

Over the past thirty years, the Celestial Empire has managed to increase its economic potential fifteen times. And to increase our turnover twenty times.

The pace of development in China is simply amazing. In recent years, the Chinese have built 60,000 kilometers of expressways, second only to the United States in their total length. There is no doubt that China will soon overtake the United States in terms of this indicator. The speed of development of the automotive industry is an unattainable value for all world states. If a few years ago Chinese cars were openly mocked because of their poor quality, then in 2011 the PRC became the world's largest manufacturer and consumer of cars, overtaking the United States in this indicator.

Since 2012, China has become the world leader in the supply of information technology products, leaving behind the United States and the EU.

In the next few decades, one should not expect a slowdown in the growth of the economic, military and scientific potential of the Celestial Empire. Therefore, there is very little time left before China becomes the most powerful state in the world.