In view of the recent increase in the salaries of military personnel, service in the ranks of the Russian army has once again become prestigious. Not only "ideological" Russians now want to get an officer rank, but also our compatriots who are quite mercantile, especially since it is not so difficult to reach this rank.

Step 1
Basically, there are two methods, which differ in their labor and capital costs, but take about the same amount of time.
Step 2
The first of the ways is to start your ascent up the career ladder from the very bottom, that is, to go to the Armed Forces by conscription. Serve there, as befits a conscript for a full year, and then continue serving the Motherland on a contract basis.
Step 3
In this case, an additional means to achieve the officer rank (as a rule, junior lieutenant) may be the presence of a higher education. This is due to the fact that military units periodically lack cadres with one or another specialization. For example, an accountant, economist, personnel officer, physician, etc.
Step 4
The advantage of this method can be considered the length of service, which you will certainly accumulate until the moment you become an officer. For this, you will be paid additional salary supplements. In addition, during the ascent of the career ladder, you will have time to get used to the rules that prevail in your military unit.
Step 5
The disadvantage (very large) of this method can be attributed to the need for a large pull in the "top", since the assignment of the next military rank, especially officer, is in the hands of the unit command.
Step 6
The second way to obtain an officer's rank is to enter a higher educational institution (higher military educational institution), where you have to serve for 4 or 6 years as a cadet (student at a higher educational institution) in the rank of a private to a senior sergeant (sometimes a sergeant major). The advantages of this method are that, in addition to active service in the army, you receive a higher education, which in quality is not only not inferior to the quality acquired in a civilian university, but also provides you with guaranteed employment with decent wages.
Step 7
The disadvantage remains the same - the need to bribe during the entrance exam. Although it is possible to enroll on the basis of their knowledge, compared to civilian educational institutions, the chance of self-admission is slightly higher.