Edward Stanislavovich Radzinsky: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Edward Stanislavovich Radzinsky: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Edward Stanislavovich Radzinsky: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Edward Radzinsky is a historian, writer, playwright, presenter. He has created many books and films dedicated to the history of Russia. Radzinsky became famous for the cycle of educational programs "Mysteries of History".

Edward Radzinsky
Edward Radzinsky

early years

Edward Stanislavovich was born in Moscow on September 23, 1936. His father was a playwright, his mother worked as an investigator. The boy studied well, was interested in literature, went in for sports.

After school, Radzinsky began to study at the Historical Archives Institute. Studying was easy, he mastered new material with enthusiasm.

Edward's diploma work was devoted to the biography of the scientist Gerasim Lebedev. In the same period, Radzinsky wrote the first play "My Dream … India", which was staged by the Youth Theater. The production was a success.

Creative career

The success of the first play influenced her later career. Radzinsky created the second script, it was the production of "104 Pages About Love". The play brought fame to the playwright. In 1964 it was staged at Lenkom, the Leningrad Drama Theater. Then the performance was staged in all major cities.

All subsequent performances repeated success. The most famous: "Continuation of Don Juan", "Tourist base", "Seducer Kolobashkin", "Conversations with Socrates". The works were translated into different languages, the plays were staged in Denmark, Paris, New York.

In the 80s, Edward Stanislavovich began writing screenplays. His pen belongs to the works "Olga Sergeevna", "Day of the sun and rain", "Moscow - my love."

Several years later, Radzinsky became the author, host of the historical program "Mysteries of History". The program immediately became popular and was broadcast abroad. For this work, Radzinsky was awarded the Tefi four times.

Edward Stanislavovich created the broadcast scripts based on his works. He also wrote books about political figures, historical figures. The works have been translated into many languages.

In 2016, Radzinsky turned 80. Age did not become an obstacle in his work, Edward Stanislavovich created research films of the cycle "The Gods are thirsty." He often became a guest of various programs.

Personal life

Edward Stanislavovich was married three times, the first wife was Alla Geraskina, an actress, daughter of the famous writer Leah Geraskina. Alla was also involved in writing scripts for the TV show "Zucchini" 13 Chairs ", was the head of the literary section of the Theater of Miniatures.

The couple had a son, Oleg. He studied at Moscow State University, studied philology. Due to his passion for forbidden literature, he was convicted and sent to Siberia. Oleg was released when perestroika began. Then he moved to the United States, where he graduated from a financial university, was a bank manager. Later Oleg began to live in France, took up literary work.

The second wife of Radzinsky was Tatyana Doronina, a famous actress. The marriage lasted 6 years, Edward and Tatiana remained friends. For the third time, Radzinsky married Elena Denisova, an actress. Edward is 24 years older than her. Elena has a son Timofey from her first marriage, she is engaged in charity work.
