Not all folk healers, like Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, enjoy such popularity, and even after death. In his piggy bank of achievements there is not only quackery, but also medical education, doctoral title and many grateful patients, although there were negative reviews about his activities.

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich is the founder of complementary medicine in Russia, and in the world as a whole. He devoted his whole life to serving people, for which he was awarded the State Prize at one time, received the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences. There were also critics in his life who condemned and did not accept the principles of his methods of treatment, but the reviews of ordinary patients often served as a refutation of the negativity that poured out on the healer. So who was Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin - a charlatan or a true healer?
Biography of the healer Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin
Ivan Pavlovich was born in 1928 in Kyrgyzstan. After receiving a higher specialized education in medicine, he served for many years as an aviation doctor in the Far East. Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin has not only the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences, but also a military rank - he is an aviation colonel, and also a master of sports.
Ivan Pavlovich began his unconventional scientific research in 1959, when he joined the Institute for Biomedical Problems. Until 1989, while he worked there, he managed to write many scientific articles and books, become vice-president of the Russian Academy of Medicine (Russian Academy of Medicine), patent several of his inventions, and receive the title of Honored Inventor.
In the same period of his life, the path of Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin began in alternative medicine. His quackery was based on the correct attitude of a person to himself and his way of life. He did not offer any miraculous remedies, but recommended to follow the laws of nature. He treated his patients with the help of his inventions, and many were grateful for his return to normal life, although there were no less skeptics.
Personal life of the healer Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin
Very little is known about Ivan Pavlovich's personal life. Everything that has become the property of the media and the public is an amazingly barbaric attitude towards a unique person on the part of his stepdaughter. What he achieved, what he had from scientific achievements and material values, was actually taken away from him, became the property of his adopted child - daughter Pappas Elena Alekseevna.
The folk healer Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin spent the last years of his life in need, but not alone. Grateful patients, representatives of the space industry, for which he did a lot, helped him. The only thing that this wonderful person did not receive was the love of his loved ones. He survived his wife for many years, and his daughter, whom he, in fact, raised and put on her feet, needed only his material benefits, which she successfully sued from him in 2012, 6 years before his death.