How To Find A Good Healer And Clairvoyant

How To Find A Good Healer And Clairvoyant
How To Find A Good Healer And Clairvoyant

Sometimes life poses difficult problems when the usual methods of problem solving do not work. At such moments, you may want to turn to a healer or a clairvoyant, but how to find a good specialist, and not a charlatan? 28500259 28500259

Where to find a healer?

First of all, do not trust all kinds of advertising offers that are full of newspapers, magazines, television and the Internet. Most of these specialists are charlatans who do more harm than good. You need to look for a healer through friends or using specialized resources on the Internet.

If you have acquaintances or friends who believe in esotericism, regularly communicate with people who are "in the subject", the easiest way to find a good healer is through them. Just ask them if they have such a specialist in mind. The best option would be a clairvoyant or a healer who has seen someone you know. In this case, you can ask all your questions to them directly.

If there are no fans of esotericism among your acquaintances, you can search the Internet for sites and forums where well-known and not-so-famous specialists of this profile are discussed. Look for large enough Internet portals, usually on them you can find up-to-date information. The forum or site where you are going to look for a healer must be "live", that is, there must be a noticeable user activity on them lately.

On such forums, you can ask your questions, read reviews. The advantage of such portals is that on them you can find real reviews of real people who have been at a reception with clairvoyants or healers. Unfortunately, on most sites of well-known "specialists" reviews are paid or obviously fake.

First impression

Once you've found the right person, try contacting them by phone or email. By and large, you need to find out from him what method he uses. If the selected specialist can briefly explain what the essence of his work is, you can go to an appointment with him. It is worth avoiding those clairvoyants and healers who cannot explain exactly how they work, or who let in a mysterious fog, without really explaining anything.

When you come to an appointment with a healer or clairvoyant, listen to your feelings. If you like the person you came to, you feel warm next to him, it makes sense to communicate further, such feelings indicate energetic compatibility.

If you have a feeling of discomfort next to a healer or a clairvoyant, you should limit yourself to one consultation, anyway you will not be able to relax next to him, so his activity will not bring any benefit, moreover, your energy fields may begin to seriously conflict.
