Panteleimon The Healer. The Icon And Its Healing Effect

Panteleimon The Healer. The Icon And Its Healing Effect
Panteleimon The Healer. The Icon And Its Healing Effect

The icon of Panteleimon the Healer is a special icon in an Orthodox church. It is framed with gold ornaments of grateful parishioners who received relief from their illness or were completely cured through prayer. Surprisingly, not only old icons are distinguished by miraculous properties. Even the images of Panteleimon, painted quite recently, have already distinguished themselves and became known among believers all over the world.

The icon of Panteleimon the Healer helps every prayer
The icon of Panteleimon the Healer helps every prayer

During his life on earth, Panteleimon, helping people to heal from terrible diseases with the help of prayer and strengthening their faith, died in torment, but did not change his convictions. It is believed that the prayer of Panteleimon is endowed with such divine power that can raise even hopelessly sick people to their feet.

Life and death of Panteleimon the Healer

A young boy, the son of a pagan and a Christian, was born in Nicomedia. He received a good education and studied the basics of healing from a doctor who was close to the emperor. Later, the young man met the Christian Yermolai, who told him about God and about faith. The stories struck Panteleimon. He accepted faith and set foot on the path of helping others with God's prayer on his lips. He soon became convinced of the power of prayer, when he was able to raise to his feet a baby who had been bitten by a poisonous snake. After that, whole queues lined up to the "doctor from God". He helped everyone - rich and poor, Christians and pagans - to return to life and converted them to his faith.

But envious pagan doctors reported to the emperor about the activities of Panteleimon and that he was glorifying the name of Jesus Christ. The young man was summoned for interrogation to the palace, where he told about his methods of treatment. But even the man who came to tell about the victory over his illness thanks to the Lord did not restrain the anger of the pagan emperor and his advisers. The believer was immediately executed. Panteleimon was sentenced to torture in the hope that he would renounce his faith. But that did not happen.

The healer Panteleimon was sentenced to death by the emperor Maximian by beheading. The blood spilled during the execution turned into milk, and the dried olive tree, near which everything happened, came to life and fruited!

Where are the remains of the great martyr Panteleimon?

The remains of blood collected at the place of execution are preserved today in the Monastery of the Incarnation of the Lord in Madrid. Every year on the day of the death of the healer, July 27 according to the new calendar, the blood of the saint is converted into liquid.

The head of Panteleimon is kept in a monastery on Mount Athos, and the relics of the great martyr are divided into different churches around the world. Anyone who asks for health for himself and his relatives falls during prayer to the relics and asks for the help of the Healer.

For Panteleimon, the faith of the supplicant was not important. He helped every person who asked for healing, guided those who had gone astray, and protected the soldiers during their service. The main thing is to believe that the great martyr will save the world from all troubles and lead everyone to the true God!
