Why It Is Difficult For Women To Get A Visa To Arab Countries

Why It Is Difficult For Women To Get A Visa To Arab Countries
Why It Is Difficult For Women To Get A Visa To Arab Countries

There are Arab countries where it is really extremely difficult to get a visa, not only for women, but also for men. For women, in this case, additional difficulties are created, since in Islam the beautiful half of humanity has a special status, therefore in the Arab countries they simply do not accept such an idea as an independent journey for a woman.

Why it is difficult for women to get a visa to Arab countries
Why it is difficult for women to get a visa to Arab countries

Closedness of Arab countries

One of the main reasons that some Arab countries are difficult with regard to visas is that people there live relatively closed lives with their own way of life. The indigenous people do not want to change it at all, but this always happens when the country is flooded with foreign tourists. Therefore, all travelers are perceived by them as strangers. If there are few foreigners, they are honored and respected, but when the flow of tourists increases too much, the locals feel as if invaders are invading their territory.

It should be noted that tourists for the most part also usually do not behave too respectfully to local traditions, this can be said about people from absolutely all countries.

Why women have special problems

Not all Arab countries create such difficulties for women. For example, countries such as Turkey and Egypt are happy to welcome guests of any gender who wish to relax on their beaches. Tunisia has recently joined them and is already ready to claim the title of tourist discovery in recent years. Obtaining a visa or entry permit for women in these countries is as easy as it is for men.

But states such as the United Arab Emirates do cause difficulties for women. First of all, there are suspicious of those ladies who are between the ages of 20 and 30 and have not married. If a girl travels with an escort, even if they are not officially married, most likely she will not experience difficulties with a visa. But a lady traveling alone can easily be denied a visa. Even if a girl is traveling with friends or relatives, she may still not receive a visa. For Arab countries, it is important that the traveler is accompanied by a man.

The fact is that the emigration policy of the Arab countries is such that they do not understand for what reasons a single woman travels to their country. They fear that the tourist will try to find a husband for herself on the territory of their state, and there is also a possibility that she will try to get a job there. There are known cases in which single girls received visas to the Emirates, but it is better not to risk it.

In addition to the Emirates, there are other Arab countries that are suspicious of girls. The most difficult thing is to get a visa to Saudi Arabia. Unmarried and unmarried persons of any gender will have big problems obtaining a visa, and women under 30 will not be able to enter at all without the accompaniment of a husband, father or brother. In general, the country no longer issues tourist visas, entry permits can be obtained only for the purpose of visiting religious sites or performing urma or hajj.
