You can look stunning, but at the same time remain an empty person inside - this option does not suit anyone, so more and more guys have to deal with educated and well-read girls.

It is reading that helps people develop versatile and at the same time shape their speech and feelings. This useful and enjoyable activity contributes to the fact that the girl begins to better understand people, and in life too.
Some guys shy away from well-read and smart girls, while others, on the contrary, tend to communicate with them. Moreover, at every opportunity they strive to please their chosen one with a gift - a new book. And it's good when there are no problems with the choice of a book, and you know exactly what the girl would like to read, or what book she would like to have in her library. And what to do when you don't know what book to please a well-read girl with? How to please and not get screwed up? There are several guidelines for choosing a book.
Expert advice on choosing a book as a gift for a well-read girl
According to A. Dumas, any book is good if it performs two functions - it teaches and occupies. So the advice of knowledgeable people is based on this and boils down to the following. Firstly, any girl will be interested in reading books on gender relations. And here a good author is John Gray, who will help to deal with any conflict situation and understand the motives of certain human actions. Secondly, if a girl reads a lot, it means that internally she strives for self-development, and she will be interested in books on personal growth, so she can be presented with the works of Stephen Covey.
If at the same time a girl seeks to be financially independent, books by Bodo Schaefer or Robert Kiyosaki will suit her.
The third gift option for a well-read lady is books on how to learn how to achieve what you want and become happy. The books by Rhonda Bern or Natalia Pravdina will help to understand these issues.
Experienced opinions about a gift for a well-read girl
The advice from experienced people is the same for all times - it is necessary to give the classics and only the classics. And you must admit that the people who gave such advice were right, because even if the girl has read all the classical works (and very few people succeed in this), she will still be happy to receive the book in a gift or anniversary version. And if you still show your imagination and complement the gift with an original engraving, such a book will adorn her bookshelf for years to come.
Do you all doubt and are afraid to make a mistake? Kill all the rabbits with one gift - give her an e-book, and let the girl choose what it is best for her to read.
The e-book will allow you not only to read any works, but also listen to audiobooks, watch films and photos.
When choosing a gift for a well-read and smart girl, do not forget about flowers, because they can please almost every woman.